Italian numbers: Counting from 0 to 1000 in italiano

Italian numbers: Counting from 0 to 1000 in italiano

The most important Italian numbers for you to learn are the numbers 1 to 12. With those numbers, you can get by in most situations and more or less tell the time.


So, let?s get on with it?

Firstly, there?s the number zero, which is ?zero?. And then, here are the numbers 1 to 12 in Italian with the pronunciation in brackets.

1 ? uno (oo-noh)2 ? due (doo-eh)3 ? tre (treh)4 ? quattro (kwah-troh)5 ? cinque (chin-kweh)6 ? sei (say)7 ? sette (seh-teh)8 ? otto (oh-toh)9 ? nove (noh-veh)10 ? dieci (dee-eh-cheh)11 ? undici (oon-dee-chee)12 ? dodici (doh-dee-chee)

Image for post

You can use these numbers with this phrase:

Sono le ___It is ___ o?clock

sono le tre ? it?s 3 o?clocksono le cinque ? it?s 5 o?clocksono le undici ? it?s 11 o?clock

You can get to grips with the numbers one to twelve by repeating them to yourself over and over. The more you count to yourself out loud, the more familiar you?ll become.

Now let?s move onto bigger numbers. Here are the numbers 13 to 20 in Italian:

13 ? tredici14 ? quattordici15 ? quindici16 ? sedici17 ? diciassette18 ? diciotto19 ? diciannove20 ? venti


The first twenty numbers are the trickiest to learn, I think, because once you know one to nine, they are simply repeated over and over for most of the tens. Here are the numbers 21 to 70 in Italian:

21 ? 3021 ? ventuno22 ? ventidue23 ? ventitr24 ? ventiquattro25 ? venticinque26 ? ventisei27 ? ventisette28 ? ventotto29 ? ventinove30 ? trenta

31 ? 4031 ? trentuno32 ? trentadue33 ? trentatr34 ? trentaquattro35 ? trentacinque36 ? trentasei37 ? trentasette38 ? trentotto39 ? trentanove40 ? quaranta

41 ? 5041 ? quarantuno42 ? quarantadue43 ? quarantatr44 ? quarantaquattro45 ? quarantacinque46 ? quarantasei47 ? quarantasette48 ? quarantotto49 ? quarantanove50 ? cinquanta

51 ? 6051 ? cinquantuno52 ? cinquantadue53 ? cinquantatr54 ? cinquantaquattro55 ? cinquantacinque56 ? cinquantasei57 ? cinquantasette58 ? cinquantotto59 ? cinquantanove60 ? sessanta

61 ? 7061 ? sessantuno62 ? sessantadue63 ? sessantatr64 ? sessantaquattro65 ? sessantacinque66 ? sessantasei67 ? sessantasette68 ? sessantotto69 ? sessantanove70 ? settanta

You might notice that the numbers uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto and nove are repeated over and over. The only thing that changes are the tens. So, all you have to learn is venti, trenta, quaranta, cinquanta and sessanta.

70, 80 & 90

We?ve already had the word for ?seventy?, which was ?settanta?. So, you just start again with uno, due, tre?

71 ? 8071 ? settantuno72 ? settantadue73 ? settantatr74 ? settantaquattro75 ? settantacinque76 ? settantasei77 ? settantasette78 ? settantotto79 ? settantanove80 ? ottanta

81 ? 9081 ? ottantuno82 ? ottantadue83 ? ottantatr84 ? ottantaquattro85 ? ottantacinque86 ? ottantasei87 ? ottantasette88 ? ottantotto89 ? ottantanove90 ? novanta

91 ? 10091 ? novantuno92 ? novantadue93 ? novantatr94 ? novantaquattro95 ? novantacinque96 ? novantasei97 ? novantasette98 ? novantotto99 ? novantanove100 ? cento

The word for 100 is ?cento?, and all you have to do is put all the numbers we?ve learnt so far after it:

The 100s

101 ? 110101 ? centouno102 ? centodue103 ? centotr104 ? centroquattro105 ? centrocinque106 ? centosei107 ? centosette108 ? centootto109 ? centonove110 ? centodieci

And then 200 is ?duecento?:

200 ? 210200 ? duecento201 ? duecentouno202 ? duecentodue203 ? duecentotr204 ? duecentoquattro205 ? duecentocinque206 ? duecentosei207 ? duecentosette208 ? duecentootto209 ? duecentonove210 ? duecentodieci

The words for the rest of the hundreds are quite easy; you just put the numbers tre, quattro, cinque etc in front of ?cento?.

300 ? 1000300 ? trecento301 ? trecentouno302 ? trecentodue303 ? trecentotr400 ? quattrocento500 ? cinquecento600 ? seicento700 ? settecento800 ? ottocento900 ? novecento1000 ? mille
