How to upgrade Git (Mac OSX)

How to upgrade Git (Mac OSX)

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Problem : Git vulnerabilities CVE-2016?2324 and 2315Solution : Update it 🙂

Check version

$ git –version

Backup (or remove) Apple git (Optional)

$ sudo mv /usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git-apple

Install Homebrew if you didn?t have

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

Or update if you already have

$ brew update && brew upgrade

Install Git with Homebrew

$ brew install git

Symbolic link

$ brew link –force git

Close Terminal and reopen then check version

$ git –version

You should see?

git version 2.8.2

Nice! We?re safe now! And next time you can just?

$ brew update && brew upgrade

Happy Gitting!