How to fix Samsung TV not connecting to Wi-Fi

Samsung?s smart TV is famous for its high-quality screen and easy to connect. Samsung TV also provides Wifi connectivity features. But, sometimes users got that their Samsung TV not connecting to Wi-Fi. Read this full article, to fix this issue.

Causes of Samsung TV not connecting to Wifi:-

Here are many causes available by which Samsung TV not connecting to Wifi. Some of them are listed below:

1) Due to bugs:-

Here are some bugs in the software of Samsung smart TV. If the Samsung smart TV is turned off via remote for a longer time than 15?20 minutes then the network settings are corrupted and you need to reset the network connection to work properly.

2) Due to outdated Firmware:-

If your television firmware is outdated and not updated with the latest version then it could not work properly. Samsung TV always required updating Firmware to configure the setting to work properly.

3) DNS settings:-

If the DNS setting on the Samsung TV is not configured properly then it causes a problem between the router and TV while trying to connect with the internet. You can this setting manually to connect the internet properly.

Solutions to fix Samsung TV not connecting to Wifi:-

Here are many solutions to fix Samsung TV not connecting to Wifi. Follow the below-given steps:

1) Restart your Samsung smart TV:-

Due to bug with software of Samsung TV, if the TV is turned off through the remote for more than 10 minutes then the network settings are corrupted. So, by restarting your Samsung smart TV can fix this issue. So, follow the below-given steps:

At first, turn on your Samsung smart TV and run it for 5?10 minutes in a normal way.

Unplug the cable directly from the power switch instead of turning it off with the remote.

Now, wait for a moment and restart it.

Type the Wifi password if you ask to enter.

Now, check to see Samsung TV not connecting to Wifi is fixed.

2) Restart your internet connectivity:-

Sometimes, it also possible that the internet might face problems that Wifi service might not function correctly or the DNS settings on the router block the TV from accessing the internet. So, restart your internet connectivity to fix this issue. Follow the below-given steps:

At first, turn off the power of the internet router.

Now, wait for a while before turning it on back.

Wait, until the Router load internet settings. Once it connects the TV with Wifi then you can check your issue will be resolved.
