Get around CourseHero or Quizlet

Get around CourseHero or Quizlet

Monthly limits seem to be on the rise as a means to mandate user sign up or subscription enrollment and is very commonly seen on News/Journal sites.

However, the technical approach in which some sites implemented this wall ? could really use some reevaluation.

Steps to circumvent CourseHero:

  • Open DevTools (right click > Inspect)
  • Paste in the following snippet into the Console tab and hit Enter

Paste this code into the Console Tab of DevToolsImage for post

Steps to circumvent Quizlet:

  • Open DevTools (right click > Inspect)
  • Paste in the following snippet into the Console tab and hit Enter

Paste this code into the Console Tab of DevToolsImage for post

Yeah but, why?

Ultimately, it should take more than 3 lines of javascript (technically all CSS) to bypass your sign up call-to-action ? regardless of whether you need the SEO credit.

Not to get too high-horse here but, this is just lazy development. And these guys aren?t the only ones!

Undoubtedly, an argument could be made their approach has some level of effectiveness against those users who know nothing about web but, meh..

Hopefully shedding light on these circa ?99 practices, will prompt sites to take web security more serious ? especially if you?re offering paid services and adverting Tech jobs via console!