First District City Council Announcement

Friends and Blog Readers,

As many of you already know, I declared my candidacy for the First District City Council Seat in Baltimore City. I feel that a message of economic opportunity, lower property taxes, safer streets, and a pro-business platform would help the First District as well as Baltimore City as a whole.

The slogan of the campaign is ?Better Begins Today.? This slogan is a response to the statement heard so often during the Baltimore Riots ?the City must do better.? In my opinion, the path to a better City is based in economics: encourage people to take ownership in their communities (whether that is buying a house or starting a business) and bringing fiscal restraint to the City?s spending.

Because I am a candidate for office, it leaves the blog in a state of flux. ?Official? posts, like this one (that have to do with issues touching local politics and issues in my campaign), will be published by authority of the campaign. I will continue to comment on national and international issues as well (including the Power Rankings) in my individual capacity.

I sincerely appreciate the warm support I have already received in my campaign and I look forward to giving the citizens of the First District a good alternative to over 70 years of single-party rule.

Please feel free to visit the campaign website:

Best Regards,

Matt McDaniel

Authority: Friends of Matthew McDaniel, Nicholas Calcaterra, Treasurer