Easiest 7 home remedies to get rid of beauty marks

Easiest 7 home remedies to get rid of beauty marks

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Beauty marks and moles are two different things. Beauty marks are hyperpigmented skin that leaves a mole-like patch. They have a rough texture instead of a smooth one. They can appear on your face, shoulder, back, and arms. As a common remedy, people use makeup to cover them. There are many methods to get rid of beauty marks. In this article, we will discuss some of the home remedies to get rid of beauty marks easily:

1. Garlic

garlic beauty marks

To use garlic paste, follow the instruction given below:

  • First, take 2?3 garlic cloves and wash it before you use them to treat beauty marks.
  • Make a paste.
  • Cover the skin with petroleum jelly or masking tape to protect the unaffected skin from garlic.
  • Apply the garlic paste on beauty marks using a cotton pad.
  • Cover your beauty mark with a clean bandage.
  • Leave it for 3 to 4 hours.
  • You can do this 2 to 3 times a day.

Note: Garlic can cause your skin to burn, especially if you have sensitive skin.

2. Lemon

lemon juice beauty marks

Many research has proved that lemon consists of vitamin C and citric acid which is a perfect bleaching agent. Lemons can help to lighten the beauty marks. People with sensitive skin can use the lemon juice as well. All you need is 1 lemon, filtered water, and cotton balls. Follow the steps given below:

  • Squeeze the lemon juice in one bowl.
  • Add equal parts of water and lemon juice.
  • Apply that lemon juice on all over your face with cotton balls.
  • Keep it for 20 minutes and wash it off with water.

You can try this mixture every alternate day. If you have sensitive skin then you can use honey or rose water with lemon juice to apply it on your face.

3. Aloe Vera

aleo vera beauty marks

Aloe Vera is the best home remedy for the skin. It consists of vitamin A, B, C and E. The Aloe Vera plant contains beta-carotene which provides anti-aging properties. It provides depigmentation, removes dark spots and treats sunburn.

To apply Aloe Vera gel on your beauty spots, follow the steps as under:

  • Take Aloe Vera gel straight from the leaves and have it on clean cotton.
  • Place that gel on the beauty marks.
  • You fix it medical tap as well.
  • After 3 to 4 hours ? remove the cotton.
  • You can use this Aloe Vera gel twice a day until beauty marks go

4. Apple cider vinegar

apple cide vinegar beauty marks

Gradually, Apple cider vinegar has become must-have at home ingredient. It contains vitamin A, B, C and E which is useful for healthiest skin. It contains alpha hydroxy acid which helps to remove dark spots.

You can simply dip a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected skin area. Don?t forget to use a bandage. Use it before you go to bed every night.

Note: For a sensitive skin, apple cider vinegar can be little harsh. If you have sensitive skin then you can use fresh apple or pineapple juice. Never repeat this treatment more than once in a day.

5. Buttermilk

buttermilk beauty marks

You can rely on buttermilk to get rid of beauty marks. The alpha hydroxyl acid present in buttermilk helps to remove dead skins and lighten the dark spots. Don?t mix anything with buttermilk. Simply apply it with cotton balls. Follow the steps given under:

  • Pour a buttermilk in the small bowl.
  • Use a cotton ball to directly apply it on your dark spots.
  • Keep it for 20 minutes and wash it off with clean water.
  • You can use it every day.

To try something new, you can apply a mixture of buttermilk and tomato juice to your dark spots. You can keep it for half an hour.

6. Onion juice

onion juice beauty marks

Yes, we know that onions do not have the best odor, you don?t need to drink it or eat it. You will only require a few drops of onion juice. Onions consist of vitamin A, C, and E which protects our skin from sunburn. Onion juice helps to get rid of beauty marks and even out your skin tone.

All you have to do is make an onion juice and apply it on your beauty marks daily. Do this for one month and you will see the results. You can mix up onion juice with other ingredients as well. For example, you can apply a mixture of onion juice and garlic juice. Try onion juice with honey ? it will moisturize your skin as well.

7. Laser treatment

laser treatment beauty marks

After applying home remedies, still you want to opt for a skin specialist, then you can try laser treatment. This treatment is painless and gives you quick results. Depending on the size of beauty marks, you have to attend a number of sessions to get rid of beauty marks.

Due to laser treatment, your skin can become highly sensitive. So make sure you apply sunscreen regularly or avoid going out for a certain period of time. Laser treatment is a costly procedure. So make sure unless it is necessary, don?t go for this option.

You can use any of the above-mentioned remedies to get rid of beauty marks. If you use any method regularly, then you will see the result by yourself. All the remedies offer multiple benefits. So in the end, you will have healthier, softer and glowing skin. Let us know in the comment box which remedy worked for you.