Dosing CBD: 3 Steps to Nail it Like a Professional

Dosing CBD: 3 Steps to Nail it Like a Professional

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What is CBD, and What are its Benefits?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and is naturally extracted from the cannabis plant. While cannabis has compounds that can cause harmful effects on the human body, it can also be useful as a supplement for treating various conditions, including both chronic and acute diseases. The most popular way to consume it is in the form of oil, which is made in combination with a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut.

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The main reason for the growing popularity of the CBD is the number of medical problems that it can potentially solve. Below are some of the well-known benefits of CBD that show how effective it can be for the human body. CBD helps to treat chronic pains in the body, which can otherwise take months, or even years, to be cured with synthetic drugs. It is known to be effective in managing mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. CBD has been proven useful in the treatment and prevention of cancer to some extent.

Image for postCannacares Full range CBD sample kit (15.00) ? The Sample Kit is a great place to start from if you’re new to CBD. The range comprises all products you may need to make sure that you have the full experience of what CBD has to offer. After you?ve tried the sample kit ? you?ll be sure to get something from their range.

Therapeutic effects of CBD are also considered useful in the treatment of complex neurological disorders such as sleep disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer?s disease, etc. Serious skin diseases, such as eczema and acne, can also be treated with CBD oil without experiencing significant side effects.

How to Consume CBD Properly?

Cannabidiol is one of those organic ingredients that gained unbelievable popularity in recent years. It?s endless practical help and benefits help in the treatment of numerous diseases, have made its use extremely popular. Consequently, the most important thing to understand is the amount of one?s optimal dose. Let us discuss the CBD usage methods that help to avoid unwanted side effects.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil not only promote better mobility when the oil is taken orally; the effects can also be experienced at the cellular level by blending the oil with a topical cream. It is especially useful for those who want to enhance cosmetics or other skin products, adding the therapeutic effect of CBD oil. For people that suffer from skin irritation, topical CBD oil may be a better and more natural alternative. However, CBD can be used both topically and orally depending on one?s preference.

On the other hand, CBD has powerful antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. It has been reported that its antioxidant properties can be more effective than vitamin E and C. CBD can reduce cell damage, which leads to signs of ageing by helping to stabilise harmful free radicals in the body.

Another beneficial property of CBD that makes it a particularly useful wellness supplement is its anxiolytic effect. Preclinical tests have shown that CBD can be used to supplement the treatment of anxiety disorders due to its anti-compulsive and panic effects (for example, effects that reduce the fear of flying or other phobias). Those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders can also use the anxiolytic effects of CBD to relieve stress caused by being overwhelmed at work and other lifestyle aspects.

These are just a couple of examples of how CBD oil can be used as an additive. Other studies indicate its antispasmodic, analgesic, and antiproliferative, among others. It can be concluded that CBD oil works with the body, not against it. In fact, it is an exceptionally well-tolerated compound among most users. Since the CBD is not psychotropic, it can be used by a large and diverse consumer demographic.

The use of CBD oil in medicine:

  • Cardiac and vascular systems. The medicinal properties of the oil can be used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. It can be used as an effective tool in the prevention of heart attack and stroke.
  • Oncology. Leading oncologists confirm the use of the product in the treatment of cancer. Hemp oil in oncology is used in complex therapy, removes the side effects of chemotherapy. The oil contains chlorophyll, which has an antitumor effect. It is this substance that gives the green colour to the oil.
  • Circulatory system. The elements contained in the CBD oil are directly involved in the synthesis of blood cells. The product is recommended for anaemic patients.
  • Digestion. Anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic and other properties are used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, haemorrhoids. With a laxative effect, the oil is used for constipation.
  • Respiratory system. CBD oil can be helpful in a diet for diseases of pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, catarrh of the respiratory tract.
  • Dermatological diseases. Hemp oil can help with diseases of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. It is often used in the treatment of burns, wounds and cuts.
  • Nervous system. The CBD oil used in nutrition is beneficial for neurosis, any of the behavioural disorders, insomnia, and childhood autism.
  • For men, regular use of the product can potentially serve as prophylaxis against impotence and diseases of the prostate gland.
  • As studies have shown, it is enough to take two tbsp daily before meals. After a couple of weeks of consistent use, you can feel an improvement in overall health.

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CBD dosage ? how much is too much?

Many customers ask this pertinent question, which, however, requires a more complex answer than it seems.

Everyone has a unique experience with CBD oil. The effects vary from person to person, so we cannot determine the exact dosage since the results are unique to each person. The dosage depends on the following factors:

  • age
  • weight
  • gender
  • CBD tolerance

Finding the right dosage always requires adjustment and experimentation, especially in the early days of use. The first steps require patience and perseverance to achieve the right results with the correct dosage. The good news is that its use is safe and has no associated risks.

However, there is an example of a guideline that reflects the most consistent and used dosage standard that can serve as a starting point. Weight is an essential factor because it affects the dosage. People who weight more may need a higher dose than those who are a little bit lighter.

Dosing CBD: 3 steps to nail it like a professional

The easiest way to start is to find what suits you in the table below. Start with a low amount. Never begin with a high dose if you have never used CBD before.

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All bottles should have an amount in mg of the concentration of CBD that they contain (on a label). However, the concentration does not reflect milligrams per drop, which will be completely different.

We present the approximate percentage as in the table above:

1% oil

0.4 mg

5% oil

2.1 mg

15% oil

6.5 mg

30% oil

13 mg

For example, for a dose of 9 mg, you will need 22 drops of 1% or 4 drops of 5% or 1 drop of 15%.

If you want to be more even more precise with your dosage, follow the three steps below.

Image for postThe High Strength 20% (2000mg) CBD oil from Arima is a natural, potent product that will not only make you feel good; but convince you to believe in the true, healing powers of nature, and help you live a healthier life.

Step 1: Select an initial dose of CBD

The first step is to determine the appropriate dose of CBD that you should take. It is important to remember that this is not a dose of CBD oil ? it is a dose of pure CBD. This number will be used to calculate how much CBD oil it comes to. There are several ways in which you can determine the best dosage to start with, taking into account your age, gender and weight. Although each person is an individual, it makes sense to calculate a common starting point based on these factors to save you time and money (in the form of wasted CBD oil).

Step 2: Determine the effectiveness

Sometimes manufacturers make your life much easier and report the concentration of CBD per ml on the packaging. However, in many cases, it is not the information you need, and you may need to do some quick calculations yourself. This may seem intimidating at first, but in fact, it?s pretty simple.

You need to consider:

  • Bottle Size (in ml)
  • The CBD amount indicated on the label (300 mg, 600 mg, 1000 mg, etc.)

Now you just need to put everything together into this formula:

[CBD in mg] [vial size in ml] = [CBD in mg / ml]

Let?s use an example.

*any CBD brand* advertises CBD oil 800 mg. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml.

Let?s put these numbers in our formula:

[800 mg] [50 ml] = [16 mg / ml CBD]

So what does that mean?

As a result, we determined that for every 1 ml of oil, we get a dose of 16 mg of pure CBD.

You can refer to the table below to see how many ml you will need to achieve your desired effect.

Step 3: Calculate the dose

So now you need to decide what dose you are going to take.

Here is a general rule for dosing depending on Body Mass Index:

Body Mass Index*





Imperial (pounds)

1 mg each 10 lb

3 mg each 10 lb

6 mg each 10 lb

Metrical (kilograms)

1 mg each 4,5 kg

3 mg each 4,5 kg

6 mg each 4,5 kg

*What is a Body Mass Index and how to calculate it?

BMI it?s a value that allows people to evaluate the degree of correspondence of their weight and height. Thereby, it allows to evaluate whether weight is insufficient, normal or excess.

Body Mass Index calculated by the next formula: I=m/h2

m ? body weight in kilograms;

h ? height in meters.

and measured in kg / m.

For example: persons weight = 85 kg; persons height = 190 cm. Therefore, the body mass index is equal to:


Now let?s consider a formula of calculating your optimal dose using the CBD strength and your weight:

[Your weight in pounds] [10] x [desired strength in mg] = [your dose]

If you prefer the metric system, the formula is as follows:

[Your weight in kilograms] [4.5] x [desired strength in mg] = [your dose]

Here is a practical example:

Suppose you are a 70 kg person and want to achieve a dose of medium strength.

You must first divide your weight in kilograms by 4.5 to see how many 4.5 sets fit into your weight.

[70] [4,5] = 15,55

Now you just multiply 15,5 by the number of mg, according to the table above, which in this case is 3.

[15,55] x [3 mg] = 47 mg CBD

Thus, in this case, about 47 mg of CBD per day is a good starting dose for you.

General characteristics

Cannabis can be used therapeutically in a wide range of doses. There is no right standard dosage for everyone. Here are some pros and cons for cannabis dosing:

  • The successful use of cannabis for therapeutical purposes depends on one?s tolerance of its psychoactive properties. Many people like cannabis; others do not. A person?s sensitivity to THC is the key to introducing an effective treatment regimen.
  • No need to smoke weed to get benefits from cannabis.
  • CBD is not psychoactive like THC. High doses of CBD-enriched supplements are safe, well-tolerated, and sometimes extremely beneficial. However, they are not always more effective than smaller doses. Only 2.5 mg of CBD in combination with a small amount of THC can have a therapeutic effect.
  • Preclinical studies have shown that hemp oil rich in CBD (with a small amount of THC) is effective at much lower doses and has a much broader therapeutic range than pure pharmaceutical-grade CBD.
  • Less is more: cancer patients receiving 21 mg/day of Sativex (spray of sublingual cannabis extract with approximately equal amounts of CBD and THC) experience a significant reduction in pain. The pain relief is more substantial among cancer patients that receive 52 mg of Sativex. However, those who take Sativex at a dose of 83 mg experienced pain reduction no better than a placebo.

Image for postThe Infinity Calm Stick is a super concentrated CBD roll-on applicator designed to be applied topically to inflamed body parts for maximum relief.

It is relatively easy to get medical benefits from cannabis. In the 21st century, there is no need to smoke marijuana to experience the therapeutic benefits of cannabis due to the CBD boom on the wellness market. In recent years, the emergence of powerful cannabis oil concentrates, non-psychotropic CBD products and innovative smokeless distribution systems have changed the therapeutic landscape and changed the nationwide dialogue on cannabis. It is no longer a question of whether marijuana has therapeutic value. Now you need to figure out how to optimize the therapeutic use of hemp or CBD. This can be a problem ? for both doctors and patients. Many doctors never heard about cannabis at a medical school, and according to a survey, few consider themselves competent to advise patients on dosage.

Each consumer needs to find the right ratio of CBD to THC for oneself. There is no single proportion that works for everyone, and you need to try the product with the concentration that suits your needs. For example, if you use oil to relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, or seizures, buy a product that is high in CBD and low in THC. However, if you don?t wish to have any THC traces, consider trying an isolate CBD powder that you can use in many different ways.

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What?s better ? CBD oil drops or CBD oil capsules?

Cannabidiol oil products are available in a variety of different forms. Every consumer can choose a prefered type of products, depending on his or her lifestyle and preferences. Two of the most popular options are CBD oil in capsules and CBD oil in drops. Thus, the oil consumption was adapted to the individual wishes of customers. But this does not facilitate the decision when buying CBD oil, because now a decision has to be made. Should I buy CBD oil in drops or CBD oil in capsules?

The difference between the products is that the capsules can only be taken orally, whereas the drops can be applied under the tongue but also used as an addition to drinks and food, used topically and several other uses. If you use the oil orally, CBD oil has an earthy taste. If you do not like the taste, you can use CBD oil capsules instead as they don?t have any taste nor smell. On the other hand, if you do not like to swallow tablets, drops of CBD oil are the best option. Therefore, the form of consumption of cannabidiol oil is a matter of personal taste.

What to consider when choosing a CBD product?

  • Reliable CBD Brand

The first and foremost objective is to choose a reliable and reputable CBD brand. It?s not just about the dosage; it concerns your health. Why? It ensures that you get a legal, high-quality product that complies with the law, classifications, and standards without any undesirable chemicals or additives.

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We are pleased to inform you that Alphagreen features only reliable brands that pass rigorous tests, which are openly published on the brand?s websites and marketplaces. Before deciding to buy a CBD infused product, you should find a detailed description of the content in each CBD product and concentration of all compounds. The quality and concentration of CBD plays a key role in delivering effective results. Some products on the market might be of pure CBD quality or low CBD content. There are many instances where customers were disappointed that their CBD products do not contain the advertised amount of CBD. Before making a purchase, it is necessary to do some research and purchase products that have been tested by third-party laboratories. False advertising can push you into buying products that do not provide high-quality CBD, which in the best-case scenario will not give any expected effects, and in the worst case can cause harm to your health.

  • Always Look at the ?Per Cents?

When CBD percentages are mentioned, these numbers refer to the milligrams of CBD that oil contains.

Image for postCannacares CBD transdermal patches (9.99) are great at treating localised pain. Or if you experience pain if you?re sitting for long periods of time. Equally, people can experience muscle tension pain daily from long-distance driving. Or even in jobs where you?re required to sit or stand ? for long periods of time. Tension can occur if you don?t regularly stretch or exercise. Also, bad posture plays a contributing factor. So simply apply a patch to clean the area of your skin to experience the benefits from this powerful plant!

Example: If we take 2,5% of the CBD oil, it contains 250 milligrams of CBD. If we take 4%, that means that the amount of oil inside the product is 400 milligrams. With the increase of CBD percentage, so does its concentration. A product that has a volume of 10 ml and 2.5% of CBD oil equals approximately 200 drops; each drop contains 1,25 mg of CBD.

When you take a daily dose of 3?4 drops three times a day, it equals to approximately 15 mg of CBD.

CBD can offer its regular consumers many opportunities to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain wellness. However, all of these beneficial effects may come to nought if proper dosage instructions are not followed. As it was mentioned previously, some CBD consumers are not yet informed about the correct dosage, creating an obstacle to obtaining the desired effects. There are many articles published that educate the audience about essential information regarding CBD, its benefits and many more topics. However, not all of them inform on the optimal dosage.

The endocannabinoid system works differently for each of us hence why the dosage is likely to vary. Some can experience a calming effect by taking 3 mg twice a day, while others approach or even exceed 200 mg of CBD four times a day. The best way to find a suitable dose for each person is to start with a small dose and gradually adjust it. For those new to using cannabis extracts, 5 mg dose may be sufficient to experience desired relief. Once you have tried a smaller dose for a few days, it is possible to increase it to 10 mg and analyse the changes in the effects. A consumer should continue to adapt CBD dosage to the individual body needs until the relief is sufficient. Experienced users may need to start with a higher dose of approximately 25 mg and start their treatment from that point on.

Let us share some of the tips you could follow when choosing the best dose of CBD for treating distress:

  • Body mass

As with any other treatment, the dose of CBD is also determined depending on the consumer?s body weight. This is due to the fact that each person has different abilities and the level of tolerance to the drugs taken. It is best to allow the body to respond to the amount of CBD product ingredients in order to achieve the desired results.

  • The severity of the disease

The severity of the condition one is dealing with also plays an important role in achieving the desired result for the right CBD dose. This means that when the pain is severe and lasts for an extended period of time, the dose of CBD should be relatively high accordingly since diseases with a long history require specific and intense treatment.

Similarly, neurological disorders and mental conditions must be approached in a similar way, given that everything that is taken in excessive quantities can cause damage that would otherwise provide a beneficial effect.

  • Start with a low dose

This is the universal rule for any drug use, natural or synthetic. Start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it if needed. For example, a person of moderate weight can take approximately 50 mg of CBD once a day. The dosage can be increased if the condition is not fully treated. In this scenario, the treatment can be increased in the amount of CBD and its frequency of up to two times a day with a slight increase in CBD concentration.

  • Always consult an experienced physician

A consultation with an expert who has complete knowledge of a natural product is always a good idea. Find a doctor that has successful experience in treating patients who have already recovered from their disease. It is best to get an idea of ??the optimal dose of CBD first. Therefore, make sure that you are well aware of problems associated with the compound to eliminate the likelihood of unsuccessful treatment. Finding the optimal dose of CBD is not at all problematic. Even someone with little to no experience or knowledge about cannabis extracts can easily measure the dosage based on the formulas mentioned above to make full use of the CBD benefits.

Image for postKanaco CBD gummies bundle deal is a cost-effective way to purchase three packs of fast-acting colourful and tasty gummies and get the 3rd at a half price. Chewing CBD gummies is both delicious and effective: CBD will provide needed relief and unwind while 100% natural snack will supply needed CBD dose.

It is important to emphasise that the circumstances of each person, and therefore the dose, will be different. Take a small dose for several days to see how it makes you feel before increasing the amount of CBD.

  • Use oil to treat anxiety. Although marijuana use is contraindicated in people with anxiety disorders due to the effects of THC, CBD can have beneficial effects if the oil contains little or no THC. Try this natural product if you have:
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD);
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD);
  • Panic disorder;
  • Social anxiety disorder;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Dosage Recommendation

Similarly to any other supplement, the correct dosage of CBD is of utmost importance. Each person reacts to CBD differently, and sometimes there is some trial and error involved before one is able to determine the optimal dose.

It is recommended starting with a small dose of 5 mg per day, in order to observe the individual response to a particular CBD supplement. From there, it is possible to increase the dose and consumption frequency to two daily doses of 5 mg. It is important to start small because CBD can potentially cause side effects such as headaches and indigestion in some people. Although these adverse effects are rare and mild, it is always a good idea to start with low doses to avoid these adverse effects.

Also, make sure to keep each dose for at least a week so that your body has time to adapt to the compound?s presence in the body.

Can I Mix CBD products?

CBD oil is well-tolerated and has no adverse effect most of the time, provided that the consumer stick to the recommended dose. If one doesn?t exceed the daily recommendation, it can be safely mixed with other products. For example, when CBD is taken sublingually, the effect appears in approximately 10?15 minutes. Ingested CBD products, on the other hand, become bioavailable in up to an hour. The reason for the time difference is because the digestive system takes much longer to break down cannabinoid before it reaches the bloodstream in comparison to the lungs and mucous membranes functions. In general, highly bioavailable CBD products offer quicker and shorter effects, while slower products provide more of a stable CBD release over an extended period of time. If these two types are consumed simultaneously, the consumer is able to maximise the potential of both products.

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Possible Reasons Why You Don?t Feel the Effect of CBD

CBD has a number of advantages for which people consider using it to improve their health. It is used for therapeutic and healing purposes and, as we have discussed, often provides effective results in the treatment of various distresses. It is important to understand that CBD can impact different people differently. This is the reason for some people to feel misled if they do not experience the CBD effects they expected. If you decide to give CBD a try, and to your disappointment, it does not give the expected results, then there may be several reasons why it happened. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Incorrect dose

One of the critical factors that determine the effects of CBD is the right dose. When it comes to dosage, some sources suggest taking 10 to 40 mg of CBD per day; even though it might not match the recommendation of the manufacturer. Other experts suggest using 25 mg of CBD daily. It is best to stick to the dosage advised by the manufacturer or consult a professional about an optimal dose that suits your individual needs.

  • Take some time to see the effects

Another reason for CBD effects or lack of them could disappoint you is that you might not have waited long enough for CBD to act. Although many people experience immediate results, it is not the case for every consumer. Since CBD is not a medicament, but a dietary supplement, it may not always provide quick results. It can take some time before you see the benefits of CBD. If you haven?t achieved any positive results in the first few weeks, you should increase the dose and spend a little extra time to see if the new CBD intake program works better.

  • Product absorption

One factor that could prevent CBD from producing significant results is body fat as cannabinoids attract fats. Oils partially absorb CBD, and only some enter the bloodstream. If 60% of CBD gets absorbed by body fat, only 40% of the consumed amount is circulated.

So far, research has focused on the properties of cannabinoids. There are limited studies available on fat cells absorption at the moment.

  • Isolated Full Spectrum

If you tried CBD isolates and didn?t notice any life-changing benefits, then you can try switching to a full-range CBD product instead. It contains approximately 115 additional cannabinoids, including flavonoids, other plant components, minerals and vitamins. When you use the full range of CBD, all cannabinoids work as a team to enhance potential effects. The overall benefits of CBD increase and the consumer is happy with the CBD impact.

CBD Won?t Make You Feel High

If you are expecting CBD to cause alteration of your mental state and make you feel ?high?, you will be very disappointed. CBD causes no psychoactive effects; instead, consistent use of CBD will alleviate the symptoms of diseases and help to improve wellness. It doesn?t contain any psychoactive properties that might be responsible for the harmful effects of the mind caused by drug use.

In order to highlight the positive impacts of CBD, all of these factors must be taken into consideration because they can be responsible for the lack of CBD effectiveness. If any of these factors are relative, the product might not be as effective. Also, it is a good idea to establish a daily CBD intake regimen in order to improve the chances of CBD effectiveness.

Precautionary Measures

Despite the number of positive effects of CBD, it may cause adverse side effects. We should be aware of these symptoms and follow the precautionary principle in order to avoid experiencing negative impacts.

Common side effects: hypotension in susceptible patients (low blood pressure) because CBD can cause a hypotensive effect. Measuring and monitoring blood pressure is recommended for people with low blood pressure. CBD can also cause diarrhoea and loss of appetite.

In people with changes in the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, colon), sublingual administration is also recommended as a priority. If swallowed immediately, in drops or other liquids, capsules, or other solids, you should take CBD with food that contains some fat (such as olive oil or coconut oil).

Verified by a Healthcare Professional

Anastasiia Myronenko

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Anastasiia Myronenko is a Medical Physicist actively practicing in one of the leading cancer centers in Kyiv, Ukraine. She received her master?s degree in Medical Physics at Karazin Kharkiv National University and completed Biological Physics internship at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Germany. Anastasiia Myronenko specializes in radiation therapy and is a fellow of Ukrainian Association of Medical Physicists.

This article includes the promotion of products and services sold on Alphagreen and affiliate links to other businesses.

Alphagreen and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant and/or are breastfeeding, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or another health-related program.