Different types of Masonic Regalia and their significance

Different types of Masonic Regalia and their significance

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Freemasons are a group of men who believe in a set of core values, peace, goodness and equality in men. There are several bodies that administer the largest fraternal organization in the world.

Mason regalia are the pieces of accessories and garments that provide the Freemasons a unique identity during ceremonial meetings or gatherings. Some of these garments serve as pieces of clothing worn since the first meetings of Freemasons. These garments and accessories are considered as a symbol of pride for members of the prestigious organization.

As the Freemasons continue to build a stronger bond with their beliefs, the demand for masonic regalia continues to increase. Wearing a Masonic Regalia is a pride to Freemasons, regardless of the occasion or event. They make Masonic Regalia as a part of their personal style and a fashion statement to display their affiliation to the brotherhood.

The pieces of mason regalia are used by members of brotherhood to help them create a unifying link of traditions they believe in the present day. Although they may be too flashy to wear on a daily basis, they are loved by people of different groups.

The smaller pieces like cuff links, masonic jewels, neckties, and bow ties can complement even formal and casual attires that members of brotherhood attend. Moreover, these pieces can help other individuals to recognize the members of the brotherhood and extend help if needed.

Types of Masonic regalia

There are several types of garments and ornaments that help the Freemasons set an aura for ceremonial. Basically, there are two types of Masonic regalia ? Personally-owned and Lodge-owned.

The lodge-owned regalia includes ? Masonic Hoodwink, Masonic lodge jewelry, Candidates clothing, Officer?s Apron, Tiler?s sword, the Holy book of Scriptures, and Master?s Gavel.

The personally-owned regalia include ? gloves, breast jewels, hats, shirts, aprons, rings etc. Each Mason Regalia has its own role, depending on the level of initiation to distinguish the roles of each member within the organization.

These remind of what their brotherhood believes in and ensures their brotherhood vision become easier. Let?s take a look at different types of Masonic Regalia and their uses.

1. Gloves

Masonic gloves are worn by Freemasons as a symbol of clean hands and pure heart. The custom of wearing masonic gloves is of great antiquity and is really inseparable. The white gloves are spotless and signify that the man?s hands must be spotless as the gloves.

In traditional customs, a newly initiated Freemason is given two pairs of white gloves. They are being worn on ceremonies and special occasions. The members dress appropriately in white gloves and apron to indicate purity from unlawful acts.

Washing of hands is an introductory ceremony to the initiation. Masonic gloves are usually made of linen and are always in white to indicate the necessity of purity from crime as a qualification of those seeking admission into sacred rites.

Earlier, masons used to wear white gloves to protect their hands from their work, which is then passed to other Masons. It can be seen that the Masonic gloves are worn as a continuation of certain traditions and values.

2. Aprons

Masonic aprons represent the pure heart and indicate purification of life. They are presented to Freemasons for wearing to a lodge. The Masonic apron is compared with the noblest decorations of ancient and modern Europe.

The lambskin or white leather apron is the badge of Mason and an emblem of innocence. It teaches the aspiring mason that none are admitted to the honors. But, as you were cleaned of the impurities of your mind and body, you have been presented the apron.

The purity of life and conduct are essential to gain admittance into the certain Masonic lodges where the Lord presides forever. The Apron is a reminder to Master Mason to do no more evil to any person. Hence, it should be worn with dignity and honor.

The Master Mason Apron was white at the time of formation of Grand Lodge of England. It is made of lambskin or white leather. No other material such as linen, satin or silk could be substituted ? as the Apron is the symbol of the Master.

3. Badges

Masonic badges are the iconic emblems of Freemasonry that represent truth and knowledge. They stand for purity and represents something else that is invisible. The square and compasses represent the fraternity of Freemasonry with an abstract idea.

The symbols reflect the beliefs and traditions of brotherhood and teach symbolic lessons. The badge of Mason is considered a tool and is said to be more honorable than Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle.

The masonic badge symbolizes new life or regeneration. They reminds us that the humanity?s thoughts are alwasy observed by the God, the Great Architect of the Universe.

4. Jewels

Masonic Jewels are worn by the members of world?s largest organization to exemplify the feelings of universal brotherhood. Many new members of Freemasonry see other members wearing masonic jewels such as ? rings, pins, cufflinks, pocket watch etc.

Each brother can choose to buy Masonic jewel according to his taste and budget. Once a member becomes a master mason, he may choose to purchase a Master Mason ring fro reputable jeweler.

The Past masters wear rings that signify they have help higher rank of their lodge. These jewels are high in demand and are made with 10 karat gold. On the contrary, Masonic pins, pocket watches, keychains, and pendants signify the degrees they have passed.

Some masonic jewels are designed for the loved ones of the Freemasons. Masonic symbols such as Collar jewelry display their logo, which is identified around the globe. The collar jewelry helps the member to provide help and support to other when the situation calls for it.

5. Rings

A mason can wear a Masonic Signet ring upon completion of their Master Mason Degree based on their wish to display the ?seal of authenticity?. The ring provides the owner a symbol that can be used with a personal signature.

Masonic rings are popular among men due to their seal of distinction for centuries. The modern-day Freemasons wear them as a symbol of loyalty to their values and mission. It is important to know more about their values and missions to understand the true meaning of these beautiful rings.

The rings of Freemasons help them recognize each other in public. It is an outward sign of the world?s oldet and prestigious organization. Each ring is crafted as beautiful as they represent. Simply, put the ring to improve yourself, while being devoted to your family, country, and fraternity.

The official reason for wearing masonic ring is to ymbolize that you are a loyal member of Freemason Fraternity. There is no set rule for wearing the Masonic rings. The only choice is to wear it in such a way that the compass and square face you. The Freemasons can customize the rings by choosing metal, stones and symbols.

6. Cufflinks

Masonic cufflinks are worn by members of Freemason fraternity on several occasions, meetings at grand lodge etc. The Master Mason members wear them to nearly anywhere that is official such as ? cornerstone laying ceremonies, officer installation ceremonies, funeral services, open meetings, Grand Lodge annual communication meetings etc.

They are usually worn by the members of Scottish Rite, Grand Master, Grand Lodge officers, the Shrine and the York Rite. They are seen wearing the Masonic cufflinks at all Masonic Shrine Temple functions, New year parties, and other formal events.

The cufflinks are crafted in several designs and patterns, each representing a diffetent custom. For example ? the square and compass cufflinks are worn by lodge members to display the logo of Freemasonry. On the contrary, Freemasons of Scottish Rite wear cufflinks with eagle?s wings slanted upward.

Members of the Freemasonry are proud of being a Freemason and what it stands for. They are made of different metals such as gold, silver, bronze etc ? and are enameled to the highest quality. You can find various options that suit your needs.

7. Masonic caps/crowns

Covering the head in the presence of superiors is a mark of respect and reverence. Historically, crowns are worn by kings to denote their rank. While the king remains covered, the courtiers stand around him taking off their hats.

The worshipful master of lodge holds the most honored chair of office during his term. It is the duty of the master to preserve the respect of their historic position. The Masonic caps reflect the traditional style and hence differ with jurisdictions.

Masonic hats are worn by the worshipful master to show his privilege he has earned. The covered head is an indication of his position. The worshipful master is the highest ranking officer in the lodge. Masonic caps are worn by the master of Lodge to display his authority of rank and status. The master of Lodge covers their head to signify his position to which the respect should be paid.

There are different styles of Masonic caps worn by the masters in different jurisdictions of the United States and other countries of the world. Most of the Freemasons are aware of the rituals and treat each other with great respect within the brotherhood of Freemasonry.

Some of the popular styles include ? fedora hat, derby hat, satin top hat, bowler hat and felt top hat. The Freemasons who are associated with Price Hall often wear black top or white top hats.

What is the proper way to wear Masonic Regalia?

The Masonic tradition is rich in rules and regulations that givern the organization. The members are expected to abide by the guidelines out of respect and consideration. You might be wondering about the proper way to wear Masonic Regalia. Well, there is always some debate about the proper way to wear masonic garments and ornaments.

The standards and traditions are likely to vary within a separate lodge. However, the basic rules remain the same due to the lack of a better world.

? Married men can wear masonic rings on the third finger of opposing hand, while unmarried men can wear the ring on their wedding finger.

? If you are a new member, the symbol of the compass should always be worn facing towards you. It shows that you are taking the pledge seriously

? If you are a senior member, you can turn the compass legs to face away from the body as a symbol of commitment

? Masonic Regalia can be worn with pride and honor. They should not be worn as ornaments.

It is better to check with your worshipful master or lodge to make sure you are upholding the requirements of wearing Masonic Regalia.

Bottom Line

Masonic Regalia are the symbols, decorations, ornaments, and emblems that are indicative of Freemasonry and its members. They are the signs of a person being the member of world?s largest fraternal organization.

The rituals and symbols of Freemasons vary from one country to the other. However, there is a unity in the brotherhood ? regardless of their country. Freemasonry consists of brothers from different nations who speak different languages and wear different Masonic Regalia.

Today, Mason Regalia are no longer considered ceremonial or traditional pieces. They can be considered as pieces that not only remind of brotherhood but attractive and valuable gifts. The Masonic regalia is usually kept in lodges and is usually taken care of by the brother using them.

Some of these pieces are personal investments that reflect the dedication and commitment of the Freemason in his esteemed fraternal organization.

It was extremely difficult to buy these products earlier. The situation is no longer the same now. With the introduction of online stores, it has become easier to buy these products. You can take a look at some of these stores and buy Masonic Regalia of your choice.

Although these symbols are used by members of Freemasonry, they are not restricted to them. Even people who aren?t members of this prestigious organization can buy Masonic Regalia and gift to the Masons.

Want to buy masonic garments and ornaments? Please visit www.bricksmasons.com.