Did Former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Have A Secret Bromance With Rhode Island Rat And Thug Bail Bondsman Wayne David Collins?

Did Former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Have A Secret Bromance With Rhode Island Rat And Thug Bail Bondsman Wayne David Collins?

Scott Israel

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis removed Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel a little over a year ago. The public conscience was that it was for Israel?s poor handling of school security.

Scott Israel?s critics alleged that his inept management resulted in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018.

However, Scott Israel had a big secret. He had a lot of scumbag friends. Two of Israel?s biggest scumbag friends were Fort Lauderdale Ponzi schemer and disbarred lawyer Scott Rothstein.

Rothstein is now serving a 50-year sentence in federal prison for running a $1.2 Billion Ponzi scheme out of his Fort Lauderdale law office. Rothstein and several of his now-disgraced associates gave handsomely to Israel?s political campaigns.

The other is scandal-prone ?Mini-Me? thug and all-around scumbag bail bondsman Wayne David Collins.

Convicted Felon And Thug Bail Bondsman Wayne David Collins Openly Bragged About His Bromance With Scott Israel

Scott Israel

Collins openly bragged about his bromance with Scott Israel. Even bragging to clients he had Israel?s private phone numbers.

He told a Rhode Island reporter:

I could get him (Israel) on the phone with you, but I won?t.

Collins also claimed he and Israel had a tight relationship.

The thug bail bondsman claims he and Israel jointly coached their kids? football and baseball teams while neighbors in Parkland.

The bromance between Collins and Israel was so strong that Collins managed to get any public records of him purged from the Broward County Clerk website.

The only one with the political influence to convince Broward County Clerk Brenda Forman to purge records from the system would have been Scott Israel.

Collins Shakes Down And Squeezes Other Bail Bondsmen For Campaign Contributions For Israel

Wayne David Collins

Collins? companies also gave thousands to the Common Sense Coalition PAC. Friends of Scott Israel started the PAC for people who wanted their identities masked from the public.

Yet, the donors didn?t stay secret for long. Media sources soon started digging. They discovered Collins helped raise $13,700 from fellow bondsmen for Israel.

Bail bondsmen in South Florida say Collins basically harassed and pressured them for the money. Bondsmen stated Collins made them feel like they were being shaken down. They also say Collins became belligerent and threatened them when they refused to contribute.

The Common Sense Coalition PAC also made headlines when it was discovered it took $160,000 on Israel?s behalf from two of Scott Rothstein?s partners who are now in prison.

Coincidently, Rothstein and his partners represented Collins and several of his businesses.

In 2014, Israel?s PAC accepted thousands of dollars of donations from convicted felon Yomar Izhak. Izhak is a member of the ?Cuban Mafia? an organized crime ring.

The Cuban Mafia dealt in cocaine trafficking, arson, gambling, and murder. Scott Israel was happy to accept money. He also made no attempt to return them when it was exposed to the public.

Getting Scott Israel Elected Was The #1 Priority For Florida Bail Bondsmen

Scott Israel

Bail bondsmen have an interest in who gets elected sheriff in a local county. They don?t have much interest in a sheriff or police department making high-level corruption or white-collar crime arrests. Why? Rich people usually don?t have a problem posting bail by themselves.

Thus, the bond industry thrives on sheriffs arresting lower-income people for drug and petty offenses.

Why? Because they need cash they don?t have and are willing to pay 10% of the bond to get out of jail.

Florida bail bondsmen found their perfect candidate for Broward County Sheriff in Scott Israel. Israel had a reputation of being a thug in a uniform while at the Fort Lauderdale Police Department.

Israel?s reputation for arresting lower-income minorities made him the ideal candidate for the bail bonds industry.

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department?s Internal Affairs unit had investigated Israel nearly a dozen times. The incidents included 6 accusations of ?excessive or unnecessary force?, shooting at a drug suspect, and using profanity.

Collins And Israel Discovered They Had Kindred Spirit Judas And Pontius Pilate

So why did Scott Israel befriend such a degenerate with a history of bribing cops and ratting people out? Israel should have known about Collins before befriending him. The only explanation is the Collins and Israel discovered they share a kindred spirit like Judas and Pontius Pilate.

This Article Originally Appeared On MFI-Miami On 4/24/2020

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