Create ER Diagram of a Database in MySQL Workbench

Create ER Diagram of a Database in MySQL Workbench

  1. First make sure you have a Database and Tables created on the MySQL server.

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Example :-

Database – bank.

Tables – account, branch, customer, loan, trandetails.

2. Click on Database -> Reverse Engineer.

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3. Select your stored connection (for connecting to your MySQL Server in which database is present) from the dropdown. Then click Next.

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4. After the execution gets completed successfully (connection to DBMS), click Next.

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5. Select your Database from the MySQL Server for which you want to create the ER Diagram (in our case the database name is ?bank?), then click Next.

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6. After the retrieval gets completed successfully for the selected Database, click Next.

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7. Select the Tables of the Database which you want to be visible on the ER Diagram (In this case I am importing all the tables of the DB), then click Execute>.

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8. After the Reverse Engineering Process gets completed successfully, click Next.

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9. Click Finish.

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Now you can see the ER Diagram of the Database.

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