Charles Bukowski: “Bluebird”

Charles Bukowski: “Bluebird”

Image for postPablo Picasso: The Blind Man?s Meal, 1903

there?s a bluebird in my heart thatwants to get outbut I?m too tough for him,I say, stay in there, I?m not goingto let anybody seeyou.

there?s a bluebird in my heart thatwants to get outbut I pour whiskey on him and inhalecigarette smokeand the whores and the bartendersand the grocery clerksnever know thathe?sin there.

there?s a bluebird in my heart thatwants to get outbut I?m too tough for him,I say,stay down, do you want to messme up?you want to screw up theworks?you want to blow my book sales inEurope?

there?s a bluebird in my heart thatwants to get outbut I?m too clever, I only let him outat night sometimeswhen everybody?s asleep.I say, I know that you?re there,so don?t besad.

then I put him back,but he?s singing a littlein there, I haven?t quite let himdieand we sleep together likethatwith oursecret pactand it?s nice enough tomake a manweep, but I don?tweep, doyou?


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