Blocks Quiz and Minimalist Block Characters

Blocks Quiz and Minimalist Block Characters

Cartoon characters, movies, TV shows, comics, video games and more ? can you guess what the colorful blocks depict?

Note: If you are unable to continue reading, click on this Friend Link for free access.

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Blocks Quiz is a free and unique trivia game that will tickle your brain!You can download and play the full game here: Credit:

Your favorite cartoon characters, movies, stars, comics, video games ? and much more ? have been turned into colorful blocks.

The aim is to identify all of the famous films and television series from the colored blocks. Treat each block as a character. The colors in those blocks are typical of what that character wears in the show. With nothing but the colorful blocks as clues, you will have to know the characters pretty well to name them all.

Can you name all the movies and TV shows in these blocks?

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Here are some clues:

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Put them all together and you should have the cast of one of your favourite TV shows or films.

The answers are here (or Friend Link for free access)? try not to peek first.

Round 2

Ready for another round? Let?s go!

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Need a hint?

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My answers are collected from some friends and fans. Perhaps you could let me know if you think likewise or disagree?

The answers are here (or Friend Link for free access)? try not to peek first.

Round 3 (Minimalist Block Characters)

Ready for a third round? Warning: Difficulty level increases!You can play the Round 3 games on its official website.Credit:

Let?s dive!

Can you name the characters by these minimalist blocks? (hint: Disney and Pixar)

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Here is a clue:

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Can you name the characters by these minimalist blocks?

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Here?s another clue:

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Here?s another clue:

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Here?s another clue, make a guess:

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My answers are collected from some friends and fans. Perhaps you could let me know if you think likewise or disagree?

The answers are here (or Friend Link for free access)? try not to peek first.

That?s all folks!