A Tribute to the OA and Allison Wilke Gryphon

A Tribute to the OA and Allison Wilke Gryphon

Another post about the show ?The OA? ? finished watching it, and was very moved by the scope of this series. The best word I can use to describe it is ?Transcendant.?

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Zal and Brit from their series ?The OA?

As noted, the show is loosely based on the NDE experiences. It?s genesis was Brit running into a woman who had a near death experience, and told her about it. Zal credits Dr. Ray Moody?s book (?Life After Death?) with background info on these events. I?d also recommend people check into Dr. Bruce Greyson?s work (considered the godfather of the science involved, he?s at UVA and is featured in my book ?It?s a Wonderful Afterlife.?) Also Dr. Sam Parnia?s ?Awareness? project is extensive.

But ?the OA? is the first show I?m aware of that has dealt with these events from the perspective of what happens to people during and as a result from them, instead of adding some form of ?it?s all an illusion? skepticism. People tend to argue the ?god spot? argument, although it was proven inaccurate by Mario Beauregard?s MRI studies showing transcendent experiences aren?t found in any one particular spot in the brain. His most recent studies show that ?past life memories? are also not activated by any particular spot of the brain.

I?ve spoken to scientists about the argument that hypoxia is involved, cryptomnesia is involved, or even synesthesia. I show in my book ?Hacking the Afterlife? that is not, could not be accurate when it comes to learning ?new information? from someone no longer on this side of the veil. (And ?Veil? is not my choice of words ? it?s an old word rarely used, but often used by people on the flipside.)

For those coming to my blog for the first time, I have a documentary called ?Flipside? and four books based on similar consciousness events: Flipside covers thousands of cases of people under deep hypnosis experiencing the same things, It?s a Wonderful Afterlife covers NDEs and scientists talking about consciousness, and Hacking the Afterlife includes using mediums to access the same individual that has passed away.

All I can report is that the research is consistent and replicable. (Another way of saying poor Hap could have saved all that trouble by reading one of Michael Newton?s books on the topic, but I digress).

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My talk with George Noory at Gaia TV.

The series also covers a number of unusual esoteric practices without fully explaining them, or getting into the details of where they come from. For example the ?yoga movements? the main characters do with such passion are related to yoga movements like ?tensegrity? a movement spawned by Carlos Castaneda and people who were into his work ? using the ?energy? from a person to adjust and change its flow.

This is related to the energy of chakras, and the overall energy that is in the body, and sometimes practitioners can heal, or help people with physical problems by doing these kinds of movements, without touching the patient.

They?re also related to the ?Six Yogas of Naropa? ? a series of mental yogas that were taught to Indian holy men around a thousand years ago by a teacher named Naropa and passed primarily through Tibet (via Marpa, Milarepa, etc). These yogas include being able to forcefully move consciousness from a living person into a person (or animal) that has recently deceased.

Here?s me talking with George Noory about the afterlife on his Gaia TV show:

These were known as ?secret? yogas for a long time ? not because they were secret, but were passed along orally from teacher to student, and weren?t written about until this past century. These yogas were taught to the very best students, and those who mastered them were reportedly able to move energy, bring dead animals to life, to ?walk through walls? or do other super human feats.

I?ve read about them, have seen reports of them in a variety of sources. I?m not aware of anyone currently on the planet who can do them ? other than the ?inner heat yoga? which is taught to all Tibetan Buddhist monks. It?s covered in the book ?Mind Science? where scientists show that a person meditating on the ?inner fire? can actually withstand extreme cold. Monks literally go naked into the snow and are covered with wet blankets, which are so heated by the inner fire that they eject steam from them. Clouds of monks in the snow. That I have seen or witnessed being filmed.

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The Potala. I took this pic of HHDL?s old pad.

I?d like to applaud the filmmakers for including a number of these practices in their show, and at the same time treading the thin line of ?it?s all in your mind? or it?s all being made up? which from another perspective it is during the story. But like all great stories ? from Sherezade to Homer, from Plato to Hitchcock, great story tellers bring us into their world, and allow us to swim in the pool of their thoughts, and then emerge from the other side of the pool with a new outlook on life. This show is ?Touched by an Angel? with science and a vast body of NDE research to back it up.

For those who have watched ?The OA? on Netflix, the show ends with a tribute to Allison Wilke, an associate producer on the show. Some folks, naturally, have assumed that she was the star of the show ? that indeed she played the main character. Of course, that?s not the case. Allison Wilke was an associate producer on the show, and passed away just recently, this past November.

Allison, according the what I?m reading on the web, went by the professional moniker of A.W. Gryphon. Born in Manhassett, New York, she is ?known for her work on Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), Vertical Limit (2000) and Daddy Day Care (2003) according to IMDB. But a cursory look shows that she was involved with much, much more in her life, and it was in relation to healing others.

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AW Gryphon?s IMDB pic

In 2014 she wrote/produced/directed the documentary ?What the F@#- Is Cancer andWhy Does Everybody Have It?? She produced the TRP ?Wellness DVD Series for Children with Autism and Special Needs.? In her career she worked on a number of projects for a variety of producers, from Jerry Bruckheimer on ?Pirates? to the Blair Witch project. She didn?t bring us those shows, but lent her talents and effort to making them. She wrote about her battle with cancer on the Huffington Post.

The reason I mention this is because, well, she?s a metaphor for the show.

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From her H Post article about returning to life after cancer.

We aren?t consciously aware of why we choose to come to the planet. We are afterwards, once we get off stage. But here she had this pretty intense amazing career in show business, changing and affecting lives by her talent, wit and wisdom, and the last thing she worked on was this show about angels. The show itself posits the question ? are there angels among us? It argues that those who go through difficulty (like having an NDE and choosing to come back) are people who are angel like ? who help the rest of us with our struggles on the planet.

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Photo of Allison is captioned


Allison?s struggle with cancer is powerful to read, and profoundly moving in light of her recent passing. (click link)

But I?m saying that the research shows that we are all in that same boat. We all choose to come here. We all choose to struggle and go through difficulties ?on this stage? of life.

We are all coming here by choice and we learn from the experience. Some of us are stronger, deeper, more talented at this journey than others ? it?s been reported that ?older souls? choose the more difficult lives because they believe they can handle them.

So when you see someone struggling physically, mentally, think for a moment about how difficult it was for them to agree to come here and live this lifetime, to make this journey. They?re doing it to further the knowledge of their own existence, but its also to further the knowledge for all of us. They?re literally heroes who have gone into the battle so we can learn from it.

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Cover photo for her documentary

Brit Marling and Zal Batmangilj brought us this show ?The OA,? but it?s pretty amazing the depth and breadth of these messages of condolence to Allison and her family and reflect directly on the message of the series.

That we should all be so lucky to work on something that will change or affect people?s lives in such a profound way.

I post a sampling here because although I didn?t know Allison, I?m sure her family, friends and colleagues are moved and touched by these messages. By sharing in their grief, we all share in the magic and beauty that is life. We all share in what her work in life, and on this show brought to the planet. And continues to do so.

Here?s Allison?s Ted Talk?

You want to know what an angel looks like?

Take a look at Allison?s photo above, and then read these notes to her from friends and strangers moved by this show. We can?t see the power of our work and what it has on other?s lives? except for those rare instances where we can.

From ?Condolences? and ?Legacy? websites.

?Angels ? NDE and Miracles and the human spirits capacity to struggle in an imperfect world between heaven and hell , sanity and insanity and to sometimes overcome or push through the primordial soup of a native dance carried through self sacrifice, forgiveness and suffering ? all elemental waters of a deep pool of mystery that many people are called to become immersed within ? to always remember that the ends do not justify the means . The Authors, directors and actors of the film OA have it seems had glimpses and insights of that fleeting plane of consciousness just beyond a mortals reach ? a pool from which are born ? Angels. Thank you.?

Posted by: Murray ? Edmonton, AB ? friend Dec 21, 2016

Life gives a time and place to begin or to end. Our every existence is beautiful when we look past the earthly flaws into our spiritual being. Our guide to connections, love, living, and a purpose. We are all beautiful souls existing for a reason whether we believe it or not. Allison Wilke, thank you for your connection, love, living, and purpose in life???

Posted by: Amelia ? Omaha, NE Dec 21, 2016

Big person, R.I.P Allison, the best history OA in this moment im crying after to see it, god bless you, and thanks for the history that chance my life ever

Posted by: Abraham ? Guadalajara, NY ? friend Dec 21, 2016

la mejor historia que he mirado, OA Allison R.I.P ando god blasse you so much you touch my soul and my heart, in this momen im crying after to see OA it?s a beautuful history

Posted by: A friend Dec 21, 2016

Just finished watching the show OA. I cried like a baby at the end. Beautifully crafted. For to meet in the other dimensions.

Posted by: Eylem ? brooklyn, NY ? acquaintance Dec 21, 2016

I just binged on OA. You have given me hope with much food for thought and spiritual growth.

RIP Allison

Posted by: Bonnie ? Foxboro, MA ? Friend Dec 21, 2016

Just watched the OA, it was a beautiful thought provoking journey. Your mind is awesome and I know you are with the angels. RIP

Thank you for the beauty of it all.

Posted by: Deborah ? Covington, LA Dec 21, 2016

Thank You for giving life to the truth in such an amazing way. I am more now because I followed your journey. Now I have a better understanding of who I am and I am very grateful. I had a NDE and I chose to come back. This story has changed me in a really good way. Blessings to you and much love.

Posted by: Mary Dec 21, 2016

Just finished OA. May you never feel alone in the darkness and may you always find a way to see the light when you do. R.I.P. Allison. May memories of you be as beautiful as your spirit once was.

Posted by: Makira ? Provo, UT ? Acquaintance Dec 21, 2016

I just finished watching away its 1:30 in the morning I didn?t want it to end. 2000 her family and friends thank you for giving such a phenomenal show for giving us hope for what we all truly believe in! God Bless see you in the light Angel

Posted by: Kerre ? Greenville, SC Dec 21, 2016

May we come together in another side.. Thank you

Posted by: Enes ? student Dec 20, 2016

Thank you sharing your life with us.

Posted by: Can ? Istanbul Dec 20, 2016

I Just watch OA. Rest in peace beautiful soul

Posted by: A friend Dec 20, 2016

Just binged watched The OA. Beautiful show. Loved it. RIP Allison. We will miss you

Posted by: Elena ? La quinta, CA ? Acquaintance Dec 20, 2016

Just binged watched The OA. Beautiful show. Loved it. RIP Allison.

Posted by: Hortencia ? Rialto, CA Dec 20, 2016

So beautiful, touched my soul and made me cry. R.I. P. OA

Posted by: Philip ? Cork, NL Dec 20, 2016

Allison,spiritual awarness is a beautiful gift to those who search and then get it ! Perhaps a glimmer of our high learning comes via through these gifts ,given to angels like yourself who have the gift of sharing in a way the rest of us can be blessed by them !! ? Thank you Allison can?t wait to be in your presence again .. OA ?what a blessing? Stephen

Posted by: Stephen ? Redding, CA Dec 20, 2016

Just finished watching The OA. Incredible show. RIP beautiful OA.

Posted by: Pamela ? Jacksonville, FL Dec 20, 2016

Thank you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful mind in all the confused ways we know. In a dark hour it helped make sense and you untangled the chaos. You fulfilled it?. I held my hands up.

Posted by: Lia ? New York, NY Dec 20, 2016

May you live in eternal peace and everlasting happiness. I believe we shall see one another on the other side. Thank You.

Posted by: Michael ? Longview, WA ? friend Dec 20, 2016

Rest in Peace

Posted by: David ? Melbourne, Australia Dec 20, 2016

Just binge watched OA, loved it.RIP Allison

Posted by: Jennifer ? Oceanside, CA Dec 20, 2016

I?ve never experienced such a heart breakingly beautiful story such as the one told in The OA. The ending left me literally breathless and goosebumps took over my body. RIP Allison. And thank you for this story.

Posted by: Greg ? Boston, MA Dec 20, 2016

I am so saddened by the loss of such a wonderful and talented person. The OA was a sensational and beautifully written show, it gives my soul peace in knowing that what I have always felt is now realized. I am now more relaxed in knowing that there is beauty in believing in such thoughts. I am now happy and can move forward with a profound look on my life. Peace and love OA you were taken too soon love and light , namaste.

Posted by: Mary ? Palm Bay, FL ? Student Dec 20, 2016

May you continue to live, learn and pass the good message along. I was captivated by the OA. Great job. Thanks for reinstilling hope not only in myself but in others.

Posted by: Paul ? New York, NY ? friend Dec 20, 2016

Thank you for you. Your work is done. Rest In Peace. Beautiful legacy.

Posted by: Tony ? Chicago ? friend Dec 20, 2016

Thank you so much Allison , an Angel who opened so many hearts and souls to eternal love peace and unity. We are all light souls and we are all one . Let there be light and love with you always . OA is a masterpiece . Thank you Allison Wilke Angel and let there be light and peace on earth .

Posted by: Monica ? SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Dec 19, 2016

Just seen OA moments ago, now I understand, Thank you.

Posted by: Willie ? Seattle, WA ? friend Dec 19, 2016

Sometimes people can paint the most beautiful picture of what your mind could only dream of, and make our wildest dreams become reality?she did exactly this. I just binge watched the entire season??when you die, there?s just more life.? I believe this to be true entirely. See you on the other side OA

Posted by: Adam ? Windsor, ON ? acquaintance Dec 19, 2016

?The OA? was one of the most profound pieces of film making that I have ever seen. I am heartbroken to know you will not be with us to produce more. Your message was loud and clear and I can?t thank you enough. Wherever you are, Allison, I hope you are surrounded by love, light and joy. Rest in piece, dear angel.

Posted by: Angel ? Holbrook, NY ? acquaintance Dec 19, 2016

I for the first time in my 48 years can & will accept passing on.. Alison you are a sweet angel now. I hope one day to meet you in our universe so I can hug you for giving me peace to live my life .. Not being worried anymore is a miracle. Because of you & The OA. ???

Posted by: Rhonda ? Sydney, Australia. ? Acquaintance Dec 19, 2016

I?m not really a student, but I want you to know that I watched the show, it gave me a little something to believe in. It was strange and beautiful. I watched the ending movements about 10 times. Showing the strengths of what people can do if they come together. Thank you and may you rest in peace wherever you are

Posted by: Sean ? Columbus, OH Dec 19, 2016

The OA gives strength? thank you

Posted by: Jessica ? Henderson, NV ? acquaintance Dec 19, 2016

You made me feel again

Posted by: Chris ? Milton, FL Dec 19, 2016

Now you know you?re truth 🙂 Thank you for bringing The OA to us. You left too soon but I hope you have your peace, see you someday Allison. RIP

Posted by: Tiffany ? Virginia Beach, VA ? acquaintance Dec 19, 2016

I really loved the way you produced the connection of all things in the universe. There are many things that we are not the centerpiece of, the universe was provided to us.

The movie very symmetrical for and appreciated and connected within us all for the goodness of love and light. We have to be willing to sacrifice as it was always the greatest gift! We only have to reach within our soul to make the universe different.

Posted by: V ? Atlanta, GA Dec 19, 2016

I believe in Angels. And I loved the story told in the O A, which I believe you must have, too. I hope you are traveling through all the other universes and spaces in between that we as mere mortals cannot. May your journey be filled with wonder and happiness and continue on to places unknown. Send a sign from the other side if you chose. I will listen. Even if you can only whisper. Your story is not over. Another one has just begun.

Posted by: Jamie ? Monroe, LA Dec 18, 2016

May the bright light from your most inner being keep you swaddled with LOVE, PEACE and BLISS! Thank you for living us The OA.

Love and Light

your Friend for ever!!

Posted by: Petra ? Santa Monica, CA ? Friend Dec 18, 2016

Just watched and loved The OA ? was spellbound by it ? and shocked at the end, to see you crossed over at such a young age. I was riveted by the story line, as you are a phenomenal actress in it. We share the same birthday, Nov 7 and I had a NDE at age 2 ? was in a coma for 2 weeks. I remember it in detail to this day. You are now in a place of Peace, Love, Light and Bliss. I hope we will meet one day ? on this side or That!


Posted by: Susan ? Callander, Ontario Canada ? Friend Dec 18, 2016

Just watched your movie OA & Heaven has received its brilliant angel..we all will be forever grateful for your message and courage.

Posted by: Carol ? Studio City, CA ? Friend Dec 18, 2016

Thank you for the contribution you left all of us with OA. Rest In Peace.

Posted by: Michael ? Chicago, IL ? Friend Dec 18, 2016

The OA what?s an opening experience. Your life ended way too soon . We?ll meet again .


Posted by: Larr ? Dana point, CA ? Acquaintance Dec 18, 2016

Just watched the OA and your video for the why foundation about cancer awareness,.. breaks my heart to read you passed over, probably went and became an angel yourself, my condolences to family and real life friends,..

Posted by: lex ? delft, The Netherlands

The OA was beautiful. See you on the other side.

Posted by: Greg ? Chicago, IL ? Acquaintance Dec 18, 2016

Sorry you passed too soon. The OA was eye opening. Rest In Peace.

Posted by: Lauren ? Knoxville, TN ? Friend Dec 18, 2016″


Powerful messages all. Many are directed to Brit Marling, and Zal Batmanglij, for this show, for the OA, but we are all part of the same wheel that creates beauty. They chose to dedicate the series to Allison and her journey here.

We all share in this beautiful adventure called life, and like all the 35 people that I?ve filmed under deep hypnosis have said, when he leave here we ?return home.?

That?s good to know. That home is not here. Home is somewhere else, and once we get off stage, we go back there. ?Home.?

Where Allison Wilke Gryphon has gone. Home.

As I wrote the above post, this lyric came to mind:

And in my hour of darkness

She is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom

Let it be

And when the broken-hearted people

Living in the world agree

There will be an answer

Let it be

For though they may be parted there is

Still a chance that they will see

There will be an answer

Let it be?..

(from ?Let it be? by Lennon and McCartney)