Basic Linux command line tutorial to start developing in Ubuntu Linux

Basic Linux command line tutorial to start developing in Ubuntu Linux

This article is meant to give you a basic idea about Linux command line codes . By reading this you will learn how to navigate through Linux directories , create a directory or file as well as some common methodologies used in Linux .Because I use Windows I am going to show you the Linux commands by opening ?Ubuntu on Windows?.

Clear the terminal screen:


cleans the terminal .

Directory navigation

See the location of the pointer :

pwdImage for post

Show contents of folder :


Move up:

cd ..

Move to specific folder :

cd folderNameImage for postnavigating

In the above scenario I used pwd,ls and cd to illustrate how we can move from from one folder to another.

Move to root:

cd /

Seeing the contents of a folder :

Show all files (hidden also):

ls -a

See all files and also details :

ls -lImage for postls -l provides us with details about the contents of the folder

In the privilege section of the owner section we can see that drwxr is written it means :

first letter is ?-?for File, d for Directory, l for Link

r ? read

w ? The file can be modified (write/delete/edit)

x ? execute

Changing permissions of a file or folder is a different topic altogether .We will skip that in this article.

make a new directory

mkdir directoryName


rm -r directoryName rm nameOfFile rmdir directoryNameImage for postcreated and deleed a directory

rm -r is used when the directory is not empty.

make a file

touch f.txt

Open with an editor :

(I will open the file using vscode)

being in the same directory as file you want to open type:

code f.txtImage for post

another important thing you want is the use of tab button. when writing long filenames press tab and it will suggest names that exist in the directory.

see contents of a text file in the terminal :

cat f.txt

this helps when you need to look inside a small see larger files use :

less f.txt

quit pressing ?q?.

Renaming a file :

mv f.txt newNameImage for postrename

copy a file :

cp newName.txt copied.txtImage for postnew file is created with the same contents of the old one

locating a file/folder:

which fileName/foldername

it outputs the path .

see what commands you used upto 500 :


update Ubuntu :

sudo apt-get updateImage for postit didnt work the first time

sudo means super user do .

See network information :


ping a website :


see own os information :

uname -aImage for post

See system usage data :

topImage for post

See disk space :

dfImage for post

Install software :

sudo apt-get install Name

Remove/uninsall :

sudo apt-get remove Name

Restart computer :

sudo reboot

Shutdown Computer : (try anyone)

sudo shutdown -h nowsudo poweroff

This is by no means a comprehensive tutorial . My target was to introduce you to the commands that will start you off . For further reading you can explore here .

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BYE!! .


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