52 Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next Blog Post

52 Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next Blog Post

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Writing fatigue? You?re not alone. Here, I?ve gathered 52 writing prompts to inspire your future blog posts, personal essays and more.

Cheryl Strayed?s writing prompts (as featured in Tools of Titans)

Write about a time you realised you were mistaken.

Write about a lesson you learned the hard way.

Write about a time you were inappropriately dressed for the occasion.

Write about something you lost that you?ll never get back.

Write about a time when you knew you?d done the right thing.

Write about something you don?t remember.

Write about your darkest teacher.

Write about a memory of a physical injury.

Write about when you know when it was over.

Write about being loved.

Write about what you were really thinking.

Write about how you found your way back

Write about the kindness of strangers.

Write about why you could not do it.

Write about why you did.

And a few of my own?

Write about the woman who has had the greatest impact on your life.

Write about the man who has had the greatest impact on your life.

Write about a film or book that has stayed with you.

Write about the thing that keeps you up at night.

Write about your first job and what it taught you.

Write about the first person that ever believed in you.

Write an open letter to your 15-year-old self.

Write an open letter to your future self.

Write a letter to an old friend or lover that you?ll never send.

Write about a memorable interaction with a stranger.

Write about a childhood memory that changed your perspective.

Write the eulogy you?d love to be read at your funeral.

Write about the best boss you?ve ever had.

Write about the worst boss you?ve ever had.

Write about what you?d do if money suddenly wasn?t a problem.

Write about what you?d do if societal expectations didn?t exist.

Write a headline you?d love to read in tomorrow?s newspaper.

Write about what you do to stay inspired.

Write about the things you loved doing when you were a child.

Write about your time in high school and how it changed you.

Write about your role in your family.

Write about your parents and the learnt behaviours you?ve inherited from them.

Write about the bleakest thing you?ve done to make money.

Write about your relationship with money.

Write about your relationship with your body.

Write about the health tips that have worked for you.

Write about what motivates you and what scares you.

Write about why you write.

Write about a TV show or documentary you?d love to see get made.

Write about the assumptions people make about you.

Write about a challenge and how you overcame it.

Write about the last time you left your comfort zone.

Write a list of the things you love about yourself.

Write a thank you letter.


This was originally posted on my blog, BiancaBass.com.

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