7 Ways To Accept Yourself For Who You Are

7 Ways To Accept Yourself For Who You Are

Image for post?A blonde bowman lifting up her hands while standing on a sandy hill on a bright day? by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

?You?re always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.? ? Diane Von Furstenberg

Adapting yourself to your situation in life can be a difficult task.

Do you tend to be more accepting of others? mistakes than your own? If so, you?re being too hard on yourself!

Those people aren?t better than you! You were created with a unique set of talents that no one else has.

Plus, everyone makes mistakes. We?re only human!

Becoming more accepting of yourself and loving yourself for the fine person that you really are can lead you to greater happiness and a more fulfilling life.

Here?s how.

Focus on your positive qualities

?When you focus on being the best person you can be, you draw the best possible life, love, and opportunities to you.? ? Germany Kent

Even though self-improvement is a good thing, it?s important that you identify and focus on your positive qualities, rather than concentrating on the qualities you feel negatively about.

Maintaining this positive focus will not only help you better accept yourself, but it?ll also make it easier for you to attain your goals by utilizing your talents to boost yourself forward.

Consciously prevent negative thinking patterns

?If you are positive, you?ll see opportunities instead of obstacles.? ? Widad Akrawi

Negative thinking can really snowball fast if you don?t get ahead of it. It?s okay to be in a bad mood every once in awhile and have some negative thoughts; it happens to everyone.

The trick is in learning how to push those negative thoughts aside and replace them with something positive. Replace your negative thoughts about yourself with affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that affirm your positive qualities and help bring out the best in you.

If you believe in yourself, you can do it. It?s really that simple.

Accept your imperfections

?It?s not about hiding your imperfections on a shoot; it?s about embracing them and being unapologetic about them.? ? Erin O?Connor

Another part of being human is having some imperfections.

Instead of dwelling on the things you can?t change, accept them for what they are.

Making the best of your life starts with accepting your imperfections.

Use positive self-talk

?The way you choose to think and speak about yourself, IS A CHOICE! You may have spent your whole life talking about yourself in a negative way, but that doesn?t mean you have to continue that path.? ? Miya Yamanouchi

Positive self-talk can help you achieve great things and change the way you think about yourself.

Make it a point to give sincere compliments to yourself.

Compliment yourself for the good things about your looks, your positive qualities, and every time you do something right.

Do this each and every day until it becomes a habit.

Disregard what other people might think about your decisions

?I don?t listen to what people say about me and I don?t read what they write about me. People can compare me to anyone they want to, but I?m not going to worry about it.? ? Eric Davis

You?ll never make everyone else happy.

If you try, you?ll soon discover that, not only will other people still be unhappy, but you?ll also be exhausted and unhappy yourself.

Make your own decisions according to your priorities and be confident that you?ve done what is right for you.

Avoid worrying

?There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem.?? Harold Stephen

Worrying will never help your situation.

Rather than wasting your time by being engulfed in fear, take action to do what you can to make the situation better.

If there?s nothing you can do to change it, focus on moving forward in other ways.

Try your best and accept that you?ve done what you could

?Try or cry. Choose!? ? Heenashree Khandelwal

Do your best every day and be proud of yourself for your efforts.

Let go of any negative thoughts, such as being angry with yourself for not being able to accomplish an impossible feat.

Even when you haven?t done your best, find a way to forgive yourself.

Move on and commit to trying harder next time.


?What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ?? Ralph Waldo Emerson

In changing the way you think about yourself, you?ll also change the way you see the world.

Every day opens up new opportunities for you, and by utilizing positive thinking, you can make a real difference!