50 Most Popular PHP Projects on GitHub

50 Most Popular PHP Projects on GitHub

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1) Laravel

A PHP framework for web artisans.

GitHub Stars: 43.5k+

The GitHub page of Laravel from where you can download and see the project code is:


2) Symfony

Symfony is a PHP framework for web applications and a set of reusable PHP components. Symfony is used by thousands of web applications (including BlaBlaCar.com and Spotify.com) and most of the popular PHP projects (including Drupal and Magento).

GitHub Stars: 17.8k+

The GitHub page of Symfony from where you can download and see the project code is:


3) CodeIgniter

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CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework ? a toolkit ? for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

GitHub Stars: 16k+

The GitHub page of CodeIgniter from where you can download and see the project code is:


4) Faker

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Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database, create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service, Faker is for you.

GitHub Stars: 16k+

The GitHub page of Faker from where you can download and see the project code is:


5) Composer

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Composer helps you declare, manage, and install dependencies of PHP projects.

GitHub Stars: 14.9k+

The GitHub page of Composer from where you can download and see the project code is:


6) Guzzle

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Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services.

GitHub Stars: 12.9k+

The GitHub page of Guzzle from where you can download and see the project code is:


7) Yii 2

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Yii 2 is a modern framework designed to be a solid foundation for your PHP application.

GitHub Stars: 12k+

The GitHub page of Yii 2 from where you can download and see the project code is:


8) PHPMailer

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The classic email sending library for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 11k+

The GitHub page of PHPMailer from where you can download and see the project code is:


9) PHPUnit

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The PHP Unit Testing framework.

GitHub Stars: 10k+

The GitHub page of PHPUnit from where you can download and see the project code is:


10) Phalcon

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Phalcon is an open source web framework delivered as a C extension for the PHP language providing high performance and lower resource consumption.

GitHub Stars: 8.9k+

The GitHub page of Phalcon from where you can download and see the project code is:


11) Parsedown

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Markdown Parser in PHP.

GitHub Stars: 7.9k+

The GitHub page of Parsedown from where you can download and see the project code is:


12) Mobile Detect

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Mobile Detect is a lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices (including tablets). It uses the User-Agent string combined with specific HTTP headers to detect the mobile environment.

GitHub Stars: 7.9k+

The GitHub page of Mobile Detect from where you can download and see the project code is:


13) CakePHP

CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like Associative Data Mapping, Front Controller, and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.

GitHub Stars: 7.5k+

The GitHub page of CakePHP from where you can download and see the project code is:


14) whoops

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PHP errors for cool kids.

GitHub Stars: 7k+

The GitHub page of whoops from where you can download and see the project code is:


15) Laravel Debugbar

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This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel 5. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to the output. You can publish assets and configure it through Laravel. It bootstraps some Collectors to work with Laravel and implements a couple custom DataCollectors, specific for Laravel. It is configured to display Redirects and (jQuery) Ajax Requests.

GitHub Stars: 7k+

The GitHub page of Laravel Debugbar from where you can download and see the project code is:


16) Intervention Image

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Intervention Image is a PHP image handling and manipulation library providing an easier and expressive way to create, edit, and compose images. The package includes ServiceProviders and Facades for easy Laravel integration.

GitHub Stars: 7k+

The GitHub page of Intervention Image from where you can download and see the project code is:


17) October

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October is a Content Management System (CMS) and web platform whose sole purpose is to make your development workflow simple again. It was born out of frustration with existing systems.

GitHub Stars: 7k+

The GitHub page of October from where you can download and see the project code is:


18) WeChat

SDK for developing Wechat App.

GitHub Stars: 6.5k+

The GitHub page of WeChat from where you can download and see the project code is:


19) PHP-Parser

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A PHP parser written in PHP.

GitHub Stars: 6.5k+

The GitHub page of PHP-Parser from where you can download and see the project code is:


20) Goutte

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Goutte is a screen scraping and web crawling library for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 6k+

The GitHub page of Goutte from where you can download and see the project code is:


21) Workerman

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Workerman is an asynchronous event driven PHP framework with high performance for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. Supports libevent, HHVM , ReactPHP.

GitHub Stars: 6k+

The GitHub page of Workerman from where you can download and see the project code is:


22) PHP Coding Standards Fixer

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A tool to automatically fix PHP coding standards issues.

GitHub Stars: 6k+

The GitHub page of PHP Coding Standards Fixer from where you can download and see the project code is:


23) PHP-ML

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Machine Learning library for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of PHP-ML from where you can download and see the project code is:


24) Deployer

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A deployment tool written in PHP with support for popular frameworks out of the box.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of Deployer from where you can download and see the project code is:


25) Magento2

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A cutting-edge, feature-rich eCommerce solution that gets results.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of Magento2 from where you can download and see the project code is:


26) Swift Mailer

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Comprehensive mailing tools for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 5.5k+

The GitHub page of Swift Mailer from where you can download and see the project code is:


27) Mockery

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Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL). Designed as a drop in alternative to PHPUnit?s phpunit-mock-objects library, Mockery is easy to integrate with PHPUnit and can operate alongside phpunit-mock-objects without the World ending.

GitHub Stars: 5k+

The GitHub page of Mockery from where you can download and see the project code is:


28) Google APIs Client Library for PHP

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A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs.

GitHub Stars: 5k+

The GitHub page of Google APIs Client Library for PHP from where you can download and see the project code is:


29) Twig

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Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 5k+

The GitHub page of Twig from where you can download and see the project code is:


30) PHP-PM

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PHP-PM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for PHP applications.

GitHub Stars: 5k+

The GitHub page of PHP-PM from where you can download and see the project code is:


31) PHP_CodeSniffer

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PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.

GitHub Stars: 4.9k+

The GitHub page of PHP_CodeSniffer from where you can download and see the project code is:


32) Dompdf

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HTML to PDF converter (PHP5)

GitHub Stars: 4.5k+

The GitHub page of Dompdf from where you can download and see the project code is:


33) Predis

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Flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP and HHVM.

GitHub Stars: 4.5k+

The GitHub page of Predis from where you can download and see the project code is:


34) Respect/Validation

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Validation engine created for PHP.

GitHub Stars: 4.5k+

The GitHub page of Validation from where you can download and see the project code is:


35) Typecho

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A PHP Blogging Platform. Simple and Powerful.

GitHub Stars: 4k+

The GitHub page of Typecho from where you can download and see the project code is:


36) Lychee

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A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.

GitHub Stars: 4k+

The GitHub page of Lychee from where you can download and see the project code is:


37) Prophecy

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Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+.

GitHub Stars: 4k

The GitHub page of Prophecy from where you can download and see the project code is:


38) EmojiOne

A set of libraries to help users find and replace native system emojis with EmojiOne in their app or website.

GitHub Stars: 3.9k+

The GitHub page of EmojiOne from where you can download and see the project code is:


39) Thanks

Give thanks (in the form of a GitHub ? ) to your fellow PHP package maintainers (not limited to Symfony components)!

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Thanks from where you can download and see the project code is:


40) PHPStan ? PHP Static Analysis Tool

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PHP Static Analysis Tool ? discover bugs in your code without running it!

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of PHPStan from where you can download and see the project code is:


41) PHP OAuth 2.0 Server

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league/oauth2-server is a standards compliant implementation of an OAuth 2.0 authorization server written in PHP which makes working with OAuth 2.0 trivial. You can easily configure an OAuth 2.0 server to protect your API with access tokens, or allow clients to request new access tokens and refresh them.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of PHP OAuth 2.0 Server from where you can download and see the project code is:


42) Countries

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World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml (written in PHP).

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Countries from where you can download and see the project code is:


43) BotMan

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BotMan is a framework agnostic PHP library that is designed to simplify the task of developing innovative bots for multiple messaging platforms, including Slack, Telegram, Microsoft Bot Framework, Nexmo, HipChat, Facebook Messenger and WeChat.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of BotMan from where you can download and see the project code is:


44) Silex

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The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony Components.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Silex from where you can download and see the project code is:


45) Chat API

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Interface to WhatsApp Messenger.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Chat API from where you can download and see the project code is:


46) random_compat

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PHP 5.x support for random_bytes() and random_int().

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of random_compat from where you can download and see the project code is:


47) Bolt

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Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.

GitHub Stars: 3.5k+

The GitHub page of Bolt from where you can download and see the project code is:


48) Phinx

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Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app. In less than 5 minutes, you can install Phinx and create your first database migration. Phinx is just about migrations without all the bloat of a database ORM system or framework.

GitHub Stars: 3k+

The GitHub page of Phinx from where you can download and see the project code is:


49) Codeception

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Codeception is a modern full-stack testing framework for PHP. Inspired by BDD, it provides an absolutely new way of writing acceptance, functional and even unit tests. Powered by PHPUnit.

GitHub Stars: 3k+

The GitHub page of Codeception from where you can download and see the project code is:


50) PHPWord

PHPWord is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to and read from different document file formats. The current version of PHPWord supports Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML or OpenXML), OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument or ODF), Rich Text Format (RTF), HTML, and PDF.

GitHub Stars: 3k+

The GitHub page of PHPWord from where you can download and see the project code is:


I hope you like the list of Top 50 PHP projects! See you soon! 🙂

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