4 ways to fix the issue of Limited Internet Access

4 ways to fix the issue of Limited Internet Access

Limited internet access is perhaps the most glaring issue that affects the majority of people who utilise the services of the internet. This problem can arise out of nowhere, and trying to find a fix for this problem can be extremely challenging since one needs to figure out the cause of the issue itself before figuring out the best course of action that one can take. There are four methods that you can take to guarantee that this debilitating problem will be fixed as soon as possible, so that you can again enjoy the services of uninterrupted network access.

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1. Reset the TCP/IP stack: The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is basically a set of rules that governs the connection of devices to the internet. Sometimes, a fault in these rules can lead to the aforementioned problem of Limited Internet Access. The easiest way to fix this problem is by using the integrated NetShell Utility tool (netsh.exe) to reset the TCP/IP stack to its default configuration. This can be done by opening the Command Prompt and inputting the code ?netsh int ip reset C:resetlog.txt?. After this, reboot the computer and check if your problem has been resolved.

2. Configure the settings of your Wi-Fi: Sometimes, your network settings might be altered in such a manner that your device has the authority to put your network adapter in sleep mode to avoid any power wastage. However, activating this might lead to the problem of Limited Internet Access as well. In order to avoid this problem, go to your Wi-Fi setting, click on Properties and then on Configure. Pick the last tab that says ?Power Management?, and check if the ?Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power? option is on. If so, then switch it off and check if you?re still experience the problem of Limited Connectivity.

3. Reset TCP/IP Autotunning: If the above tips haven?t worked out for you, then the best thing you can do make sure that this problem is fixed once and for all is to reset the TCP/IP Autotunning. In case you were curious, Autotunning refers to the modification of congestion buffers to allow reliable connectivity. Open up Command Prompt and use these three commands to fix your problem ?

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled

These commands should ultimately reset the TCP/IP Autotunning, and make sure that you don?t experience the problem of Limited Internet Access ever again.

In case you still happen to face any problems when it comes to internet connectivity, contact your Internet Service Provider to help provide you with the best solution to fix this lingering issue. ISPs like Spectra provide the best troubleshooting services to fix your internet connection and let you enjoy the services of the internet without any delays.