19 Undeniable Signs Of A Man Child

I?ve written about cowards, insecure people and guys who need to man the fuck up. Today, I shall write about the signs of a man child.

What?s a man child? I am pleasantly surprised to discover that it?s actually in the dictionary today:

?a man who has the qualities of a child : a childlike man? ? Merriam-Webster

And I thought that it was merely a term used for memes.

So how do you know if you?re around one? Dating one? Friends with one?

You?ve got to detect the signs of a man child. Here we go!

1) He complains about every little thing

From shitty weather to a crowded place. It never stops. Nothing pleases him!

2) He complains because he feels that he can

It?s a reactionary type of self-defence mechanism.

In other words, he doesn?t know when to shut the fuck up.

3) He?s a spoiled brat in a sense that both the situation and solution can never please him

Man child complains about someone who didn?t apologize to him.

Man child gets apology eventually.

Man child then complains, ?I didn?t like the way he apologized to me. He had a weird tone in his voice.?

4) He doesn?t clear his fast food tray after eating

I don?t care if you?re the customer. You?re a grown ass man. Clear your shit, help the staff there and just be nice.

5) He isn?t nice to the waiter, cashier or cab driver

If you?re nice to your friends, but not to service staff, you aren?t a nice person. Period.

If you think that you get to be a dick just because you pay a premium, you?ve a very skewed idea on what respect for others mean.

If you?re unhappy because of a tiny hiccup with the product or service you paid for, you?re a man child.

6) He is messy as fuck

Only filth lives in filth and it shows how lazy he is. You know this is one of the biggest signs of a man child when you step into his room.

7) He is never on time

If you?re always late, it means you don?t respect your friends and also yourself, because you don?t care how others think of you for being late.

8) He blows everything out of proportion and even lies just to look good

And the man child usually does this in big groups. He is always the victor in every story he tells, but it?s all bullshit.

9) He starts bitching about the girl after she rejects him

It?s like suddenly, all his feelings for her disappear and she becomes the enemy who has placed him in the friendzone.

The man child doesn?t know how to handle rejection from a lady. Their only idea of a solution is to put her down just so they can feel like they weren?t at fault at all.

10) He makes fun of his friends, but can?t take a joke himself

Nothing else needs to be said here.

11) He is violent, abusive and super annoying when drunk

His inner man child emerges once his inhibitions are gone. He then acts like a complete baboon in public.

Needless to say, he can?t drink for shit. He has no class and treats every drinking occasion like a house party for frat boys.

12) And on the following day, he?d conveniently forget everything

He?d laugh it off and say, ?Oh my god! I did that?! I don?t remember shit! I was drunk!?

And only he thinks that it?s funny.

13) He still obeys every single thing that his mom says

Sorry not sorry for writing this, but only a man child obeys his mom explicitly without question.

A man knows how to stand up for himself and make his own decision, even if that means hurting his mom?s feelings, at least a little.

14) His friends are also man children and he thinks that that?s fine

An adult knows that his character is defined somewhat by the people he surrounds himself with. Here, the signs of a man child is literally in more than one person.

If he refuses to see this and chooses to keep making excuses for his friends, he is a man child who doesn?t dare to grow up.

15) He forces his own friends to pick a side

When shit goes down, the man child doesn?t listen to reason or the truth from his own friends.

Instead, he makes them pick a side. And if they don?t take his side, he?d get angry and upset.

16) He gets defensive and turns the situation on you when you give him tough love

Should you be straight with the man child and tell him what he needs to hear, he gets extremely defensive about it.

Then he tries to bait you on your own shortcomings even though the conversation has nothing to do with you.

17) He loves being a drama queen on social media

He posts screenshots of conversations.

He makes passive aggressive remarks and alludes to somebody else, thinking that the rest of us don?t know who he?s talking about, but really, we do.

He rants, whines and complains about people, the government or the world non-stop.

He tags his own friends and gets them involved.

He is just a bitch bitching on social media.

18) He can?t be alone

He can?t eat alone.

He can?t go to the movies alone.

He makes others wait for him outside the shop.

He follows along uninvited like a stray dog.

He even lies and tells others that he?s arriving soon, but shows up late anyway simply because he doesn?t want to go in alone.

He?s plain self-conscious whenever he?s alone.

19) He refuses to grow up

As he grows older, his only mantra in life is ?Age is just a number! I can do whatever I want!?

Then he proceeds to do whatever the hell he wants despite knowing that it may look bad on him or hurt others.

A man child simply lacks self-preservation.

Do any of your friends display these signs of a man child? Share this and drop me a comment.

Something a man child needs to read:

Advice To A Young Man Hoping To Go Somewhere by Ryan Holiday


Other cool reads:

It Doesn?t Take A Genius To Be An Adult

It doesn?t take a genius to be an adult, that?s the blunt truth.


How To Be Ugly With These Easy Steps

Originally from my blog:
