14 Ideas to Help You Write the Perfect Father’s Day Card

14 Ideas to Help You Write the Perfect Father’s Day Card

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How do you put all your love, thanks and laughs into a single card for Dad? It?s tricky, but it can be done. And we?re here to help just in time for Father?s Day in June. We?ve got ideas for the Dads who have saved your butt a time or two, and for the Dads who are wiping butts for the very first time. Check out these 14 Father?s Day cards to find a message that?s just right for your Dear Old Dad. And remember, no matter what you send, he?ll love it. That?s what Dads do.

Send Rad Dad Cards Now

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The Out-of-Sight,-Not-Out-of-Mind Guy. If you?ve flown the coop and don?t see your Dad every day, send him a note that calls out the next time you will. You?ll be dropping in via your card on Father?s Day, along with the anticipation of fun times to come. Bonus: Include a photo to remind him of your beautiful face, and confetti always makes the day a party.

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The Incredible Mr. Fix It. When the car starts making a funny noise, who do you call? Dad. When you have a flat tire, who do you call? Dad. When your car overheats and you?re stranded alongside the road next to a smoking car, who do you call? Dad. Thank him for the last time he answered your call and saved the day. Card tip: The perfect card for this type of message is the ?Dad, Remember that time ? ? card in our Father?s Day section

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The Dr. Feelgood. Thinking of daddio may bring on so many emotions that you just might explode. Before all of those feels burst out of you in the form of confetti, take a few seconds to jot down the top 3 words that come to mind when you think of him. Keeping it to 3 will help you focus and get the point across to the dude who you have so many feelings toward.

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The Man on the Mend. If Dad has been on the road to recovery, send him love and encouragement, and remind him that he?s bigger, better and stronger than any super hero out there. Have a specific super hero in mind, such as Iron Man? Let us know so your Scriptist can give the card a super visual. Card tip: Don?t forget, we offer a ?Super Hero? card, which is pretty much perfect for this type of message.

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The Straight Talker. Don?t feel obligated to get crazy with your words. There?s no shame in just saying, ?Happy Father?s Day!? It?s to the point, and maybe that plus the front of the card says everything you wanted to say.

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The Throwback. Dig up that Throwback Thursday post. If your Pop isn?t on social media and didn?t see your pic the first time around, ain?t no thang, because now he?ll have his very own copy and a sweet note accompanying the fond memory.

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The Always Dad. No matter how old you are, he?ll always be your dad. Remind him of that and thank him for helping you grow up into the kind, hardworking and obviously thoughtful adult you?ve become. The ?little sprout? concept is also a great idea for anybody out there whose Padre has a green thumb.

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The Man With Many Plans. Remind Dad that Father?s Day is his day to do whatever it is he does, whether it?s going to the movies, gardening or grilling. And go ahead; drop a subtle hint about what he could do on his big day (ahem, make you lunch). He won?t mind.

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The Noise Maker. Does your Dad do something that is a little? um? embarrassing? Call him out on it. When he opens the card, he?ll get a good laugh? and let?s hope that?s it. No smelly noises, please Dad.

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The Man of Few Words. If Papa Bear isn?t a big talker, keep the card to the point. He?ll appreciate it. And the rest of the fam will get in a good laugh while reminiscing on all of their ?good talks? with Dad.

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The Dad Who Does It All. Looking back, you might be amazed by all the things the big guy did for you, especially if he was doing it solo. Take a second to think about everything he overcame to be the loving Dad he was and is today.

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The Sentimental Sweetheart. A quick note on Father?s Day reminds him how much you love him. ?I love you? is always a solid message to use in a card. If you want the card to be a little more fun and playful, pick ?fun? or ?sweet? writing style and let the Scriptist do their work.

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The First Timer. Show your love and support to those first-time Fathers in your life, whether it?s your spouse, cousin or best friend. It?s pretty monumental to celebrate for the first time, and those newbies could use a little encouragement to get them through the sleepless nights and stinky diapers. Aww, the joys of fatherhood.

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The Grandpa. And while you?re celebrating Dad, send Gramps a note, too. After all, he?s key in making this whole Father?s Day thing possible.

Send Your Father?s Day Card Now

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