10 Personal Prayer Topics and Prayer Points for Effective Spiritual Growth

10 Personal Prayer Topics and Prayer Points for Effective Spiritual Growth

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Personal prayer topics and prayer points are super crucial for every Christian.

This was the famous request of the disciples to the Lord Jesus Christ one day as He came down from the mountainside and settled down with them.

They recognized then what every Christian should know now, which is this:

The Christian life is impossible without a personal prayer life.

Knowing how to pray is only one of the things you should know, though.

It is equally important to know what to pray about. That has as much bearing on the results as knowing how to pray, because what you pray for speaks to your motives and whether God would answer them or not.

Every Christian should strive to have a personal prayer life. Praying on your own and by yourself is probably more difficult than corporate prayer, which is in church or a group with other people beside yourself.

Yet it is the kind of prayer that makes for the best fellowship, more intimacy and deeper communication with God.

Private prayer is irreplaceable in the life of the Christian.

Private prayer is irreplaceable in the life of the Christian.

1. Pray that God will help you to continually walk in love

Image for postWalking in love is crucial for every Christian

Love is the fulfilling of God?s law in the New Testament. It is the supreme principle of life in the Kingdom of God. Every Christian is required and expected to make love their lifestyle and walk in love always.

Your maturity in God is determined by how much of God?s love is in you, and how much of it you walk in towards others.

Your maturity in God is determined by how much of God?s love is in you, and how much of it you walk in towards others.

It demonstrates that you have been filled with the fullness of God. (ref Eph. 3:19?20)

As you grow in love, you are becoming fuller with the presence of God and your appreciation of God, others and your purpose in Christ change greatly. You become more like Christ as you walk in love.

I dare say this should be first among your prayer topics. True love gives of itself, and is not mere words, but actions ? decisive actions that put others ahead of yourself.

A very compelling description of love and its divine attributes is found in 1 Corinthians 13.

Love is patient, love is kind.Love does not envy,is not boastful, is not conceited,

does not act improperly,is not selfish, is not provoked,and does not keep a record of wrongs.

Love finds no joy in unrighteousnessbut rejoices in the truth.

It bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

1 Corinthians 13:4?8, HCSB

Make it your daily commitment to pray for God?s grace to walk in this kind of love.

2. Pray that God will help you to walk by faith in His Word

There are very few things that are impossible according to the Word of God. The Bible does say it is impossible to please God without faith.

So it?s important for a child of God, not only to learn the message of faith in God, but also to make it a part of your daily life.

Faith is the beginning of the Christian life. One becomes a Christian, or a believer, well, by believing ? believing in Jesus Christ and what He did for humanity on the cross of Calvary. That faith in the gospel is what brings a person to a new life in Christ Jesus.

Image for postAs Christians, we are called to live every day by faith

Faith in God will help you walk closely with the Lord and do what God says always. It is that quality of building your life around what God says, and living by His principles, expectations and standards.

It is what brings you to the enjoyment of all that God has done for you in Christ Jesus.

Faith is a necessary requirement to walk with a God whom you cannot see with your natural eyes.

Faith is a necessary requirement to walk with a God whom you cannot see with your natural eyes.

The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, to which Jesus explained that what was most important is your ability to live by the faith you have.

Asking God to help you trust Him and walk by faith in Him is one of the greatest prayers you can pray to improve your life and guide your spiritual development.

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3. Ask God to give you more and more grace

Grace is the beauty of God on the life of a man.

Grace is the beauty of God on the life of a man.

One of the commonest definitions of grace is that it is unmerited favour. We find that grace of God expressed on many levels in many ways.

The first manifestation of the grace of God, is the one that made possible a way of salvation for fallen man. The Bible shows that God?s grace that brings salvation, is what brought Jesus in to save man. (ref Titus 2:11?14)

Beyond that, the grace of God is necessary to receive all the blessings that God has for His children. It is important to understand that God?s blessings are not earned by meritorious works.

Image for postGrowing in grace is an important part of spiritual development.

That important understanding means that you attribute all the success, excellence and glory of your life to the God who places His own beauty on your life and gives you His grace to be everything you are.

That beauty results in favour, blessings, advantage, and the power to do things that are beyond human ability and expect divine results.

Every Christian has been given the grace of God, but it?s important to grow in it, and to learn how not to frustrate it when it?s working for you. It is a great idea to pray daily that God give you more and more grace.

The more grace you are able to attract and receive, the more divine results you can have without struggle.

The more grace you operate in, the more of God?s blessings you see manifest in your life on a daily basis.

The more grace you operate in, the more of God?s blessings you see manifest in your life on a daily basis.

The Scripture declares that God is the giver of grace, and that He gives more and more grace to anyone who will receive it. (ref James 4:6, Romans 5:17)

Always pray that God will increase His grace in your life.

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4. Ask God to grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in God?s Word

Revelation refers to insight, knowledge into hidden things. To know God, it must be by revelation. God is the only One who knows all things and is aware of all things.

But for human beings, the things we do not know are made known to us by some revelation or the other.

Revelation also deals with the ability to uncover spiritual insights in the Word of God that are practical and can get results for whatever you may be dealing with.

Image for postThe spirit of wisdom and revelation in Christ lets you know God better.

It?s one thing to read the Scriptures; quite another thing to be able to see in those Biblical examples wisdom, ideas and a pattern or solution for dealing with a present day issue you?re facing.

The way to see that from the Bible is by divine revelation in God?s Word.

And He has given His Word for that purpose ? that we would know Him and know what to do, through His Word.

The spirit of wisdom and revelation opens your eyes to see what others will not see about God, even though they also read the Bible.

It helps you understand the Scriptures and the relevance of the information that comes to you as you study the Bible.

It is the inspiration from God to understand His Word and act on it. It helps you understand the Scriptures and live it out practically.

The spirit of wisdom and revelation will lead to your understanding being clearer, to better understand what God is doing in your life and the hope to which He has called you and what you can look forward to for the future.

The spirit of wisdom and revelation will lead to your understanding being clearer, to better understand what God is doing in your life and the hope to which He has called you and what you can look forward to for the future.

Wisdom also goes beyond the study of the Scriptures, to practical insights for handling everyday situations. This is a prayer topic to take very seriously.

Those that will win are those that are able to deal wisely in the affairs of life, and that comes about by growing in wisdom and spiritual understanding.

James 1:5 lets us know that God will give wisdom to those who ask for it ? and He will do it liberally, without finding fault with you. Go ahead and ask for all the wisdom you need.

So, what prayer points come out of this? Pray that God will give you His wisdom, and insight into the knowledge of Him.

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5. Pray that you will constantly experience the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

God gave the Holy Spirit to the church, so He can lead us daily in our Christian walk. The Holy Spirit is Himself God. He is known in the Scriptures as the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Son. He is the Spirit of God.

He is the principal Person that walks with the Christian today.

Everyone who knows God today knows Him because they have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit brings the presence of God to you, so you know God is always with you.

Image for postEvery Christian should aspire for an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

He?s the One that interprets the Scriptures to a Christian, the One sent to help a believer life the victorious Christian life.

He is the Helper that Jesus promised His disciples shortly before leaving the earth.

Every Christian must know the Holy Spirit intimately in order to get the maximum benefits of His presence and ministry in their lives.

A daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what matures you as a believer, increases your faith and confidence in God, and gives you a better knowledge of who God wants you to be and how He would have you live.

A daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what matures you as a believer, increases your faith and confidence in God, and gives you a better knowledge of who God wants you to be and how He would have you live.

Also, daily communion and fellowship with the Holy Spirit will keep you in tune with God and always open to hearing His guidance for your life.

To say that one must always seek a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit would be an understatement.

Knowing Him is crucial to being a victor and a successful Christian. It is imperative to pray constantly that God reveal Himself to you more and more through your fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

It?s also important to pray that you will recognize His voice as He speaks to you in the many ways that He can and does speak. The Holy Spirit is God?s blessing to His church; get to know Him better today!

6. Pray that God will give you compassion for the lost and the unsaved world

Jesus gave standing orders to the Church to go out and win the lost to Him.

The lost are those who are yet to come to the point of knowing and responding to the gospel of Jesus Christ by placing their faith in Him for their personal salvation from sin and death.

This is the highest calling of every believer: to be a channel by which the lost will come to know Christ and make that decision to come to Him.

That mandate requires that we have compassion for the lost and the unsaved, the hurt and the broken, the abused and the afflicted of this world.

Compassion is what will make us act. Compassion will make us go out and be a blessing to a hurting and dying world. Many people encounter the lost everyday, but have no drive to win them to Christ.

It takes the compassion of Jesus Christ to care about the lost and unsaved and to go to every length possible to win them.

It takes the compassion of Jesus Christ to care about the lost and unsaved and to go to every length possible to win them.

Knowing what to do is great, but compassion is that final push that moves you to action. It will make us determined to win the lost at any cost.

Image for postIn a lost and broken world, we need to show compassion and reach out to the lost.

As the end draws ever nearer, the Commission to make disciples of all nations is ever more urgent than before.

Every Christian needs to be missionary-minded, thinking of ways he or she can personally be involved in the Great Commission.

Every Christian needs to be missionary-minded, thinking of ways he or she can personally be involved in the Great Commission.

This are the kinds of prayer points to take very seriously. Pray, asking God to fuel your passion and give you compassion for the lost, compassion that will move you to action and keep you going in the quest to be a soul winner.

7. Ask God to help your deepen your commitment to His work in your local church

The Church is the global body of believers and we?re together as one. All believers in Jesus Christ all over the world constitute the body of Christ on earth.

Yet each believer meets in a smaller assembly of Christians.

The local assembly is the vital body of Christ to which each Christian must belong. It is at that level that the believer is ministered to daily and taken care of in the Lord.

It is also the vehicle for building and training believers to become responsible Christians that can work for the Lord. You need to be committed to a local church in order to be very effective for the Lord.

Image for postChristian conviction must be followed by christian commitment.

In a local church, you can be active and serve God in a specific capacity. Whether it is in a ministry, department or other special assignment, the local church is your place of contribution to what the Lord wants done.

It is where you submit to the vision of God as given to the minister responsible for the assembly, and that is the framework within which you serve God, to accomplish what God wants done.

Any talents, gifts and callings on your life can be used in that local church for the benefit of all who worship there and beyond.

Any talents, gifts and callings on your life can be used in that local church for the benefit of all who worship there and beyond.

Serving in a local assembly also helps to ground you and build the discipline that makes for discipleship. It deepens your commitment to the Lord and helps you have a structured approach to serving God.

You are able to serve God in a visible, measurable way that can increase over time as you commit to doing more for God.

Every Christian needs to pray that God will give them the grace and ability to serve in one capacity or the other in their local assembly, and more so be committed to it.

8 . Pray for a better understanding of God?s will and divine purpose for your life

God has a plan for everyone. And in that plan, there are general directions to go, and there are specific things for each person to accomplish.

The success of your life is directly a case of how much of God?s will and purpose for your specific life you are able to accomplish while on earth.

The success of your life is directly a case of how much of God?s will and purpose for your specific life you are able to accomplish while on earth.

Every Christian must strive to know what that purpose is and walk accordingly.

There is a blueprint for every child of God to follow; some things are general and apply to all believers everywhere, while others are quite unique to individuals and God?s special plan for each of His people.

Knowing God?s will for your life will ease your choices and help you make useful decisions that will propel you in the right direction.

Knowing God?s will for your life will ease your choices and help you make useful decisions that will propel you in the right direction.

Image for postGod?s will is the best anyone can want for themselves.

You will make the right decisions about your life, family, career, finances, ministry and several other aspects of your life as you know better what God wants you to do for Him with your life.

It will also help you avoid certain mistakes along your path to fulfilling God?s dream for your life.

Praying like this is good for any believer. It will surely insulate you from a lot of bad choices, mistakes, missed opportunities and unnecessary detours, and hasten your progress on your path to being who God wants you to be.

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9. Ask God to strengthen your heart and help you to remain faithful when challenges arise

Everyone who serves God is required to be faithful to his calling and God?s assignment.

Everyone who serves God is required to be faithful to his calling and God?s assignment.

In serving God and living a daily Christian life, there are challenges ? challenges that may shake your faith or cause you to doubt the God who saved you and called you to Himself.

Getting started is not all there is to serving God; it is important that anyone who comes to God must remain faithful to the call.

Prayer points like this one are crucial. Always pray that God will strengthen your heart with His Word and through fellowship with His Spirit, so you can be fully persuaded that He is with you and nothing can drown you as you follow after Him.

Regardless of the challenges that one may face in the journey, it is important to remain faithful to the end and not give up along the way.

Regardless of the challenges that one may face in the journey, it is important to remain faithful to the end and not give up along the way.

When that happens, no matter what you face, you can win over adversity, trials, challenges or difficulties.

Image for postYou need faith for tough times when they come.

You will come out of each test, trial or affliction stronger than you went in, and you will have learnt something that will help you be a better version of yourself as you go along.

Pray that God will help you to stay faithful to Him no matter what comes up in your life, that you will trust Him to take you through the storms that you must necessarily face, and to keep you from losing your hope and confidence in Him.

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10. Pray that you will understand the personal authority given to you as a believer in Christ Jesus

The Christian life is spiritual. Much as most Christians want to serve God faithfully, there is a devil who works against all that God stands for.

Make no mistakes about it; the supernatural is real, and it?s more real than the physical world. What transpires there has undeniable effect on what happens to us in the earth realm.

However, the Word of God assures that we have authority in the Name of Jesus over the devil and all his works, strategies and tricks.

This authority was won by Jesus when He rose from the dead and God exalted Him to the place of highest authority ? His own right hand in the heavens.

God gave Jesus Christ all authority in heaven and on earth. (ref Mathhew 28:18) The Scriptures further show that at the Name of Jesus, every knee should bow everywhere ? in heaven, in the earth, and in the evil underworld (ref Philippians 2:9?10)

To live a victorious Christian life, it is crucial to understand that authority, how it functions and how to exercise it over the devil, circumstances and adverse situations, so you can be free from their influence and win in your walk with God.

Image for postAs a Christian, it is important to understand the authority given to you in Christ.

Every Christian needs to exercise their authority on a daily basis and stay free of manipulation and demonic influences.

Every Christian needs to exercise their authority on a daily basis and stay free of manipulation and demonic influences.

The more you understand this authority, the stronger your confidence grows and the more of it you?re able to exercise, and again the more and better results you can get with it.

Understanding the authority of the Name of Jesus is also by revelation, and as God unveils the splendor of that Name to your heart, you will be able to address bigger issues and see them resolved.

These prayers will help you to grow as an all round Christian, ready and prepared to be a blessing to your world. Make prayer your consistent lifestyle and pray these prayers for yourself or for others daily, and the results will amaze you. Go for it!

Any other prayer topics to add? Let us know in the comments!

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This article is originally published on LitAndEdifying.com. Republished here with full permission.