10 Event Websites You Must Check Out for Inspiration

10 Event Websites You Must Check Out for Inspiration

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Your event website works as the online representative for your event. Not only is it the official point of contact for you and your attendees, it is also a reflection of what your event is all about and the ideologies guiding it.

In the most basic sense, event websites work as a deal-maker or a total deal-breaker. Think of it this way. A person from your target audience heard about your event and seems interested. S(he) looks for the details online and comes across your website. Once they are here, they expect two things which, if fulfilled will make them your registered attendees:

1. They want the answers to all their questions regarding your event. The time, venue, date, speakers, event registration process, and anything and everything else.

2. They want to understand the quality and standard of your event and see if they match up to their expectations.

Thus, you need to work well on a design that will be sure to convert your website visitors into registered attendees.

?The event website is THE place to show off your outstanding event design, distinctive activities and unique sessions. Show off your greatness in a way that shouts ?Are you not entertained?? ? Russell Crowe style.

To help you get creative and give you some inspiration for coming up with a unique website design, here are 10 amazing event website examples. In all these websites, you can see how the designers have conveyed a clear-cut message in an efficient and attractive manner.

  1. Coachella

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The website for this grand music and art festival is nothing short of a masterpiece. It definitely has its basics sorted with a clean interface and smart content. But apart from that, they have managed to put in a lot of other interactive elements that help attendees know everything they need to know about the event.

Not only have they added the bare minimum details, but they have taken a step forward and equipped website with an intricate planner for the event.

From details about the festival maps to the foods and drinks, from the event experience to a festival directory, this guide is sufficient for attendees to plan their trip.

While such a design is definitely very productive and helpful for the registered attendees, it also leaves an implied message for the visitors. It tells them that you care about their experience in the event and you are ready to go beyond the conventional ways to make things better for them.

2. Kikk Festival

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If you are planning to go for an event website that uses the best design technology along-with amazing graphics and of course, the essential event details and elements, one of the best examples to look up to is the Kikk Festival 2017.

The designers have managed to literally breathe life into the website with its graphics. The menu bar helps you with efficient navigation to all the web pages which do more than serving the purpose of informing you about the event.

The theme of the website is definitely the main highlight. One look at it tells you that this is not one of your ordinary festivals out there and is something grander and better.

3. India Bike Week 2018

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The website for India Bike Week 2018 is the perfect example that shows that even a one-page website can be brilliantly creative. Simply visiting the website can pump up some energy in your body. Watching the enthusiasm in the previous event editions in a stunning montage can surely get the biker in you all excited. Using such a first look of grandeur can help you leave a lasting impression on all the visitors of your event website.

The best thing about this website is that even while conveying all the essential details of the event the website keeps it all to the bare minimum. Thus, there is nothing in it to divert the attention from the focal point of the website.

4. Pegasus

This racing and wagering website won the price of the Best Event Website in the annual WebAward Competition, 2017. That award is definitely not for nothing and shows that the creators have done a great job designing the website.

The website definitely has a lucrative interface and a functional design. But the main focus of the website is the content. They have an elaborate and smart concoction of written and visual content which tries to address the different target demographics.

They have included the basic essential content that details you about the event;

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Plus, they have also added other interactive types of content:

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This sends out a subliminal message suggesting that the event goes beyond the fixed stereotypes and is actually meant for anyone and everyone who is interested enough to participate.

5. Dreamforce

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Colours and graphics are very interesting options to brighten up your event website. You can tone them up or down to match the personality of your event and can convey clear messages as needed. Yet, most of the times, working with colours becomes risky in the sense that you might mismanage or rather misuse the elements and end up giving the website a not so amazing look.

The designers of the Dreamforce website are definitely great at their job which becomes clear from the first look of the website. While the website has enough colours to replace a child?s drawing book, it manages to keep the essence of the event and its professionalism intact.

The way they have been able to combine animated elements with the live ones is definitely commendable. It gives a totally fresh and positive effect which piques the curiosity of the website visitors.

Check out the entire list on the Hubilo blog.

Have your own favourite event website examples you?d like to share? Feel free to share your insights with us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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