1. Dan Birman

1. Dan Birman

In a UX designer?s portfolio, what?s the key to a impress employers or clients? Case studies. What makes a case study great? It not only has a great final execution but also answers the following questions very well:

  1. What?s the problem you want to solve?
  2. Who are the users?
  3. What?s your role in the project?
  4. What?s your design process
  5. What are the design options and how decisions are made?
  6. What are the constrains and limitations?
  7. How to validate your design?
  8. What will be your next step?

Here are the great examples from designers who work at Uber, Airbnb, Google, VMware.

Dan is a product designer at Uber and a RISD undergrad.

Image for posthttp://bestfolios.com/portfolio/danbirman

2. Rachel Schmitz

Rachel Schmitz is a San Francisco-based Product Designer interested in education technology and social gaming. She previously worked at Google, Rumble Games, AVG Technologies and Presidio Knolls School.

Image for posthttp://bestfolios.com/portfolio/rachelschmitz

3. Mengdi Zhang

Mengdi a UX Designer at VMware and HCI master graduate from University of Michigan.

Image for posthttp://bestfolios.com/portfolio/mengdizhang

4. Vax Liu

Vax Liu is an Experience Designer at Airbnb and former UX designer at ebay.

Image for posthttp://bestfolios.com/portfolio/vaxliu

5. Simon Pan

Simon is currently a Senior Interaction Designer at Google. He is former designer at Medium, Uber and Amazon.

Image for posthttp://bestfolios.com/portfolio/simonpan

Thanks for reading! More design portfolio inspirations, please visit bestfolios.com.

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