7 Logical Fallacies You and Trump Are Guilty of Committing

7 Logical Fallacies You and Trump Are Guilty of Committing

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Our current POTUS is notorious for his astounding capability to lie and deceive. Most often via utter falsehood (?We?re the highest-taxed nation in the world? ? we?re not), sometimes using insults (?[he has] the biggest ears I?ve ever seen? ? his ears are fine), and frequently through logical fallacies.

The New York Times published a compilation of Trump?s lies, including this graph which highlights the first day Trump went without a public lie or falsehood since taking office (Spoiler alert: it was not until the 40th day).

Image for postFrom The New York Times: ?Trump?s Lies?

Also from the New York Times is a fun list of the people, places, and things that Trump has ever insulted, including (but not limited to) one of my favourites:

Image for postRoughly translates to ?haters gon? hate, hate, hate, hate, hate?

Disgraceful? Certainly.

But are we, as honourable, respectable, and noble citizens of the high society totally, and 100%, guilt-free of committing the same sins as President Trump?

Here are 7 logical fallacies that Trump (and you!) have committed.

1. Questionable Cause:

From Latin, cum hoc ergo propter hoc, assuming a causal connection simply because they are regularly associated.

What Trump has said:

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What you have said:

?It?s funny how every time I go out with you, I get hit on by banker bros.? [Assuming your friend is a banker-bro-magnet when it very well may be that banker bros are just being banker bros]

2. Ad Hominem (To-the-Man):

From Latin, ad hominem, criticizing the person?s appearance, character, and personality, rather than the position they are defending.

What Trump has said:

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What you have said:

?You can?t take his career advice too seriously?he?s a vegan.? [Criticizing someone?s ability to provide professional advice by attacking their character choice to eat tempeh]

3. Strawman:

Over-simplifying, distorting, and attacking a ?strawman? rather than a person?s actual argument since the person may have never said such a thing.

What Trump has said:

Image for postFrom ?4 Logical Fallacies from the Third Clinton Trump Debate?

What you have said:

?I?m not saying that there is anything wrong with the keto diet but I?m just not really down to have like, a tub of lard for dinner.? [Equating a high-fat, low-carb diet to ?like, a tub of lard?]

4. Red Herring:

From Latin, ignoratio elenchi, a diversion or distraction from the actual issue at hand.

What Trump has said:

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What you have said:

?He seemed kind of sexist over drinks last night, but his bumble profile says he writes songs so I?m going to stick around in case he gets Spotify Singles famous.? [Using the fact that your bumble date is mildly musically-inclined to distract you from the actual issue that he is (most probably) a raging sexist]

5. Texas Sharpshooter:

Also known as Cluster Illusion, ignoring the differences while focusing only on the similarities, and cherry-picking data points to make a point or come to an inaccurate conclusion.

What Trump has said:

Image for postFrom Hey Girl Communique: Spotting Logical Fallacies this Election Season

What you have said:

?I just thought well, we both love cats and Coachella, we?ll probably make great roommates.? [Coming to the conclusion that you and said stranger are roommates made in heaven based solely on your shared love for cats and flower crowns]

6. Hasty Generalization:

Jumping to conclusions based on biased generalizations.

What Trump has said:

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What you have said:

?50 bucks. Lesbian.?(seeing someone in Doc Martens) [Generalizing that those who wear Doc Martens, play for the other team]

7. Argument from Ignorance:

From Latin, argumentum ad ignorantiam, assuming something is true because it has not yet been proven false.

What Trump has said:

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What you have said:

?If you?re still playing Pokemon Go, you?re probably not getting laid.? [Assuming this is true because technically, it has never been proven false]

Thank you for reading! ?

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